5th Generation Warfare, P.R Companies, David Fenton & PTI: Love Triangle

By Ch. Muhammad Natiq Ubaid Defense & Strategic Analyst, Chief Editor – Editorial & Commentary TN Media News
The PTI hired the services of a firm headed by David Fenton, who has been stressing the denuclearization of Pakistan and has written several books on it. PTI USA hired Fenton/Arlook, a PR and advocacy firm based in Washington, DC, to support “the Tehreek-e-Insaf party’s goal for good relations with the United States and the Pakistani diaspora in the US.”

The PTI USA, which is based in New York, is the principal client of the lobbying firm. The firm has been hired for a period of six months at the cost of $25,000 to manage PTI USA’s public and media relations. “We will contact journalists, editors, producers and columnists on behalf of the PTI USA to explain their views to the US media only,” states the PR firm in the agreement, “This may include interviews, placing op-eds, and other standard media and public relations activities.”

“Fenton/Arlook shall provide public relations services, including but not limited to distributing information to and briefing journalists, placing articles and broadcasts, arranging interviews with representatives or supporters of PTI, advising on social media efforts and other such public relations services,” the agreement signed between PTI and the PR firm stated.

“For this work, Fenton/Arlook will charge a monthly retainer fee of $25,000 plus expenses. Payment of 2 months of fees in advance, or $50,000, plus an expense advance of $5,000 is due on or before August 10th, 2022, to cover work in August and September 2022,” it further read. The agreement was signed on August 1 between David Fenton of the Fenton/Arlook and Salman Ravala, the attorney for PTI USA. The agreement further states that the PTI USA is not supervised, owned or controlled by any foreign political party but will “in certain instances” be “directed by the foreign political party in Pakistan”, therefore the PTI.

The same firm has previously represented the Pakistan embassy in the US for a brief period while the PTI was in power. Former prime minister Imran Khan also had dinner at Fenton’s in 2019 when he visited New York to attend the UN General Assembly session. Both agreements – with the PTI USA and the embassy – are available on an official US website as public documents. The documents have been made public under the US Foreign Agents Registration Act, on a website controlled by the Unit of Counterintelligence and Exports Control in the US National Security Division, which falls under the Department of Justice.

A document filed on March 26 shows the firm had been contracted to work for the embassy from March 21 to Sept 20, 2022. But an embassy official told That the contract was cancelled in May after the ouster of the PTI government. Under the agreement, the firm was providing public relations services to the embassy, which included distributing information to and briefing journalists; placing articles and broadcasts in the respective media; arranging interviews with representatives and supporters of Pakistan; advising on social media efforts, and other such PR services.

For this, the firm was charging $30,000 a month, plus expenses. Let’s dwell into the corridors of history and explore what and who is David Fenton and why he is stressing the denuclearization of Pakistan

David Fenton, named “one of the 100 most influential P.R. people” by PR Week and “the Robin Hood of public relations” by The National Journal, was founded Fenton in 1982 to create communications campaigns for the environment, public health and human rights. For more than five decades he has pioneered the use of PR, social media and advertising techniques for social change. Fenton started his career as a photojournalist in the late 1960s – his book Shots: An American Photographer’s Journal was published in 2005.

He was formerly director of public relations at Rolling Stone magazine and co-producer of the No-Nukes concerts in 1979 at Madison Square Garden with Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, Jackson Browne, and other artists. He has also helped create JStreet, Climate Nexus, the Death Penalty Information Center, and Families for a Future. He sold Fenton a few years ago to work on climate change full-time.

David Fenton is the Chairman and Founder of Fenton, which has worked to advance human rights, public health and the environment using modern communications techniques since 1982. David devotes most of his time to communications on climate and energy, including creating a recent series of 12 climate advertisements on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal and on cable television in Washington, D.C. He has been deeply involved in energy issues since Co-Producing the No-Nukes Concerts with Bruce Springsteen at Madison Square Garden in 1979 and releasing the first IPCC report to the media in 1990. David is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on the board of the New York Energy Efficiency Corporation.

DAVID FENTON is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the biggest Think Tank working operating as a pro-CIA arm across the world. Council On Foreign Relations Website, It’s a Think Tank 110% pro-CIA and DAVID FENTON is a member CFR. Another extension of the US-based pro-CIA Council On Foreign Relations Magazine Foreign Affairs

https://www.cfr.org/ https://www.foreignaffairs.com/
The contents of CFR and FA as the above websites are self-explanatory towards the CIA Propaganda regime. David Fenton has been seen audible against Pakistan’s nuclear capability and campaigned for its denuclearization.

PTI Social Media Disinformation Cells and Institutions
PTI is taking the services of a USA-based international organization for her social media activities. Professionals are used to spreading fake news and anti-Army sentiments. Pakistan politics have never seen such an organized way of defamation of Pakistan’s honourable institutions In the history of Pakistan, Pakistan has never witnessed so an organized, dangerous and venomous social media campaign against Pakistan’s Military institutions. This well-organized, planned and tech-advanced campaign is carried out by PTI with the help of the world’s top experts

TikTok app played the role of an infantry brigade in the 5th GW invasion. PTI’s US-based PR coy is an expert in the usage of Tik Tok. Fenton has Blogs that explain and guide how to use Tik Tok. FENTON Article for use of Tik Tok, Published date 27th July 2022

Imran Khan himself meet with top Tik Tokers of Pakistan on 19th June 2022. Despite the ban in 2021, Tik Tok was the 3rd most downloaded app in Pakistan. Anti-Pakistan and her institution’s campaign on social media have seen a rise after the ouster of Imran Khan. This fueled the sentiments of the people of Pakistan, with the bulk of fake and malicious propaganda information and news. This 5th Generation Warfare against their own country and her defence pillars shows this PTI social media is not a civilian campaign but backdoor hostile well organized players.

We have witnessed 5th generation warfare in different spectrums of our history in its own ways, most prominently we witnessed it in 1971 when Pakistan broke into two pieces. India in order to achieve her hostile desires slipped Mukti Bahini into our borders. Mukti Bahini spread fake news and make dis information cells to malign Pakistan Army which was engaged in countering Indian invasive special forces. That disinformation and fake propagandas weaken Pakistan Forces and control of civil administration. Similarly, with greater and technically advanced forces and highly professional players, PTI is using the same techniques and targeting the defence forces of this country to further divide Pakistan into three parts.

I usually quote Maj Gaurav Arya ® of the Indian Army’s statement for Imran Khan “Imran Khan did to Pakistan in the last 24 hours what all its enemies could not do in the last 24 years and not one shot was fired. Not a drop of blood was shed”. Worthy Praise is the praise your enemy does for you, but the question here is whether India is the enemy for Khan or Pakistan itself is his enemy for Pakistan. Khan who believes to do anything for power, position and popularity (The 3 P’s) has unleashed every devil in his possession to achieve his goals. His aides like Shahbaz Gill who are remote controlled to achieve self-desired targets tried to incite mutiny within the ranks of the Military and his foreign and local staff who are collaborating with professional Social media, media and PR agencies to create anarchy and chaos in the country and to weaken the defences shows the true face of the enemy and waging a modern 5th Generation Warfare. Pakistan is at war and it’s high time we should.

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