A Pakistani who served fellow Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia.

Taher Karamat TN eastren region saudi arabia.

Pakistan Overseas is showing the essence of expertise all over the world, but a large part of Overseas Pakistanis, more than 2.5 million Pakistanis are employed in Saudi Arabia alone, which is the reason why more foreign exchange than all other countries goes from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.

In Saudi Arabia, there are some prominent personalities who have rendered numerous services to the country and the nation. One of them is, a well-known social personality, and human rights leader, Nadeem Akhtar Chaudhry, who at the same time works in various government and private institutions for the country of Pakistan.

They are carrying out the duty of serving humanity with different teams who are appointed as observers and permanent representatives to the United Nations by an international organization and Pakistan Overseas Association Forum International Saudi Arabia, an organization that provides services in more than 35 countries.

President, the United Nations and more than 60 countries in the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan and the organization with the best network of human rights services.

Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by Similarly, Member Standing Committee for Overseas Employment Chamber of Commerce and Industry District Gujarat, also an executive member of a big mega project Gujarat Cancer & Orthopedic Hospital, Nadeem Akhtar Positive thinking only prepares a person for constructive and great works.