Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E.M Ahmed Ali Sirohey presiding the Ramadan food distribution Ceremony at National Hospital Lamorde Niger.

Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E.M Ahmed Ali Sirohey presiding the Ramadan food distribution Ceremony at National Hospital Lamorde Niger.

On April 8th, 2022, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E.M Ahmed Ali Sirohey presided over the Ramadan food distribution ceremony at National Hospital Lamorde Niger. The embassy of Pakistan in collaboration with Rotaract Club, JCI, and Kawar Motors arranged food packets for 200 needy.

This activity was organized in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Niamey Moringa International whose Mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and Peace through a fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. It consisted of the distribution of food packets to patients at Hospital Lamorde.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E.M Ahmed Ali Sirohey spoke about the importance of Ramadan. Ramadan is not only a month dedicated to fasting and prayers, but it is also about charity, dedication, giving to the needy, showing considération to others, feeling the pain and problems of others, and showing kindness to others. It is the spirit of Ramadan, giving to sick people, orphans, needy people, poor people, relatives, neighbours, and vulnérables.

The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan emphasized that Muslims need to be generous in the month of Ramadan, and take care of each other, just Like Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him always looked after people in the month of Ramadan.


TN Media News