New Pakistani Envoy Infuses Spirit And Hope Into Expat Community.

Ambassador Ahmad Farooq voices concern at growing drug peddling in KSA

By: Syed Mussarat Khalil, journalist.
RIYADH-New Pakistani Ambassador Ahmad Farooq said that the biggest problem facing the community in the Kingdom is the rising number of drug paddlers that are coming into Saudi Arabia from several countries including Pakistan. He said this during a meeting with Syed Mussarat Khalil, a well-known senior journalist based in Jeddah.

Ambassador Farooq, who assumed his duty in May, has been holding a series of meetings with top intellectuals, social workers, and religious and political personalities of the Pakistani community. This has breathed a new spirit into the community raising hopes and expectations.

The ambassador told Musarrat that there is an increase in drug peddling which is a serious issue. There is a need to take strict and disciplinary action against such criminal elements, he said and added: “We need awareness campaigns to prevent and eliminate criminals involved in such capital offenses as they also ruin not just Pakistan’s dignity and image but also causing problems for the residents and newcomers.”

The laws of Saudi Arabia are very strict and contain strict punishments, when, once decided, they are strictly enforced. There are mostly drug prisoners in jails.

Expat issues: As regards the problems facing the Pakistani expatriates in the Kingdom, the ambassador assured that the Embassy will pull in all its efforts to resolve their issues by minimizing their complaints in cooperation with its staff.

Ambassador Farooq also showed concern for the expatriate children’s educational problems and said he is focusing on them. “At present, there are 11 schools in different cities of Saudi Arabia. There is an urgent need to look at the problems of the school as well and solve the problems of their admission.”

Business and trade ties: The ambassador said that there are special instructions from the present government of Pakistan to promote business and trade relations with Saudi Arabia and urged his community to increase the volume of trade.

“Efforts are being made for Pakistani companies to enter into agreements with Saudi companies. If God willing, there will be progress in the coming days,” he hoped.

Sports cooperation: The top diplomat said: “We are trying to support and cooperate with Saudi Arabia in the field of sports as well. To promote the game of cricket in the Kingdom a strong relationship should be developed between the representatives of the Saudi Arabian Cricket Federation (SACF) and the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). Since there is a lot of talent in cricket in Pakistan, on this basis we can play an important role in the promotion of Saudi cricket.’

Ambassador Ahmed Farooq, finally, advised his community to strictly follow the local laws while staying in Saudi Arabia.


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