Pakistani Executive Forum Founder & President Munir Ahmed Shad met Saudi Engineer Abdulaziz Khalil.

Reported by: Syed Mussarat Khalil

Last Night, In Riyadh the president and the founder of the Pakistani Executive Forum (PEF), Munir Ahmed Shad, met the young Saudi Industrial Engineer Abdulaziz Khalil at Shizan restaurant and discussed working in several fields, mainly developing business, innovation, electric and electronic industries Entrepreneurship and Information Technology.

The exchange of views also focused on Sports activities under the auspicious banner of PEF. Munir Ahmed Shad briefed Abdulaziz about the Vision, Mission, and Objective of PEF and offered him to join PEF, which Engineer Abdulaziz has accepted happily and cordially.

During the meeting, Syed Shahid Amin, who works at Siemens as a software engineer and a senior sports journalist was also present.


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