Prime Minister Imran Khan urges youth to raise their voice against ‘foreign conspiracy’

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday urged the masses to raise their voice against the “foreign conspiracy” being hatched to topple his government.

PM Imran Khan made the remarks ahead of taking live telephone calls from the nation. The Q&A session started after a delay of a few hours as the time for it was changed three times. He called on the youth to protest for two days — today and tomorrow — against the “foreign plot”. “…I want you to protest for a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan,” the prime minister said. He maintained that the “conspiracy” against his government has been proven as the politicians were being “traded out in the open” and trying to take down an elected government just because “they don’t like it.”

The country will “have no future” if the situation keeps moving in a similar manner, the prime minister said, as he advised the youth to hold “peaceful” protests. “This is your right,” he added. PM Imran Khan said that when the United Kingdom attacked Iraq under the false pretext of having weapons of mass destruction, two million people came out on the streets and protested against it. As he gave the example of the United Kingdom, the prime minister told the youth to follow it. “When the nation stands with the truth, it becomes the biggest fear of traitors (Opposition) and those who have sold their conscience,” the prime minister said.

PM Imran Khan said he wanted history to remember the “traitors” as they were “conspiring” with foreign powers. He said even the National Security Committee (NSC) had seen the letter. The premier said the “foreign powers” knew that when he is ousted, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif would assume power and their ties would be mended. “He (Shahbaz) has already stated that ‘beggers are not choosers’,” the prime minister said, claiming that the Opposition was ready to be “slaves” of foreign powers.

He said the Opposition leaders would always remain the “slaves” of the foreign powers as they were “corrupt”. In response to a question, the prime minister said he would not spare the Opposition and dubbed them the “traitors of the nation”. “I will decide the legal course of action against them by tonight.”

‘We are proud of our Army’
Advising people to refrain from maligning the armed forces on social media, the prime minister said “the enemies of Pakistan” were trying to split the country into three parts. “We are proud of our army who have kept the country together and PTI is the next thing which is uniting Pakistan as it is a national party that has support [in all provinces],” he said. Praising his economic team, the premier said that during the tenure of the last two governments, the inflation was higher as compared to PTI’s three years. “During our tenure, the prices are higher internationally.”

But he noted that the record exports, remittances, and taxes were recorded during his government’s tenure because the people believed their prime minister was not “corrupt”. On overseas Pakistanis, PM Imran Khan said that they long for their country and want to return to Pakistan despite living a substantial part of their lives abroad. “They want our country to stand on its feet it hurts them when they see people like Asif Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, and Shahbaz Sharif come into power with the help of foreign powers,” he said.

‘Will defeat no-confidence motion’
In response to another question, PM Imran Khan said he had a plan for the voting session on the no-confidence motion in the National Assembly and confidently stated that he would defeat the move. “I have more than one plan. We will win tomorrow,” the prime minister said, adding that the PTI had swept the local body elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The premier said the local body results show that the nation is not with them and will “not forgive them”; the politicians who back them are now afraid that they might become part of a “foreign conspiracy” against Pakistan.

Citing his first speech after coming into power, the prime minister said he had predicted in 2018 that the “thugs” would join hands to oust him as they were aware that he will not grant them NRO. “The nation should not worry; Imran Khan is a person who will bow before anyone except Allah,” the premier said, adding that his foreign policy will always be for the betterment of Pakistan. The prime minister called on the PTI lawmakers to vote for Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi as they would be removed from the party if they fail to follow the directives.

“The father-son duo should come to an end,” the premier said after the Opposition named PML-N Hamza Shahbaz — the son of Shahbaz — as their candidate for CM. The voting on the no-confidence motion against the prime minister will take place tomorrow, with the Opposition looking in a strong position to send the incumbent government packing. The PTI lost its majority in the 342-member National Assembly Wednesday when a coalition partner — MQM-P — said its seven lawmakers would vote in support of the Opposition alliance. Before them, several other allies had switched sides.

But the prime minister has seemingly not lost hope and has vowed to give a “surprise” to the Opposition on the voting day.

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