Supreme Court by: FIA and NAB

by: Saleem Chaudhry.
Good directives of Supreme Court to be followed before the next hearing on June 14, 2022, though not reversal or blockade of unlawful actions of imported government to save their skins as hereunder :
a) hard or soft copies of all records of high profile cases to be submitted to the Supreme Court by FIA and NAB
b) No transfer of any staff of NAB and FIA working on high profile cases
c) In case of anyone trying to screw or pressurise staff of these agencies for ulterior objectives it should be reported to the Supreme Court and necessary relief/ support will be provided
d) AG told that Supreme Court is keeping an eye on the charge of NAB rules as well as the appointment of NAB Chairman without outside influence on merit and competence and in case those are not as per fair play and rule of justice the Supreme Court can make necessary intervention
e) AG was also told to ask the government to review the arbitrary change of ECL rules and pulling out names of accused/ criminals of high profile cases without informing concerned agencies otherwise Supreme Court could and would intervene

AG was also snubbed for his idiocy to tell that record files were locked in rooms and two security places to ensure security as Justice Naqvi said that guards could be easily made to give keys for tempering of records.

TN Media News