Title: Together for a Better Future: My Reflections from the World Youth Development Forum 2024.

by: TN Media News: As the CEO of Designs Crunch and Innovative Nozzle, I had the honor of representing Pakistan at the World Youth Development Forum 2024 in China, alongside 4 other young leaders like Shahzad Murtaza , Ammad Rasheed , Maoz Awan  and Resham from my country . Organized by the All-China Youth Federation, the forum gathered 100 global leaders under the theme

 “Together for a Better Future,” focusing on cultural exchange, social entrepreneurship, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The forum was a platform for global unity and collaboration, bringing together young leaders from diverse backgrounds to network, share ideas, and explore how technology and innovation can drive positive global change. The energy and commitment of my fellow delegates were truly inspiring, reinforcing the idea that, when united, young minds can shape a sustainable and inclusive future.

Held in Beijing and Changsha, the forum provided a unique perspective on China’s rich cultural heritage and technological advancements. In Beijing, we experienced the deep history and modern business landscape, while Changsha offered a vibrant, modern view of China with its dynamic nightlife and innovative spirit. The city’s motto, “Changsha Never Sleeps,” was evident in its lively streets and forward-thinking atmosphere.

One of the most enlightening aspects of the forum was learning about China’s rapid advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and smart cities. These innovations are not just about technological progress; they’re about creating solutions to global challenges. As someone leading two companies that thrive on innovation, these insights were invaluable, reinforcing my belief that technology, when used creatively, can be a force for good.

Reflecting on my experience, I’m more motivated than ever to use my platform to drive positive change. The forum was a powerful reminder of the importance of unity, collaboration, and innovation in addressing global challenges. As I return to Pakistan, I’m committed to continuing this mission through innovative design solutions at Designs Crunch and sustainable initiatives at Innovative Nozzle.

TN Media News