AIG AJK Police Lauds PITB For The Implementation of Criminal Record Office.

by: TN Media News:
A training session was held today at the Central Police Office (CPO) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Muzaffarabad following the deployment of the Criminal Record Office (CRO).

The purpose of the session was to familiarize the police officials with the CRO system. AIG AJK Police Tahir Mahmood Qureshi, SSP AJK Muzaffarabad Khurram Iqbal and DIG AJK Kamaran Ali were also present.

The session concluded with the distribution of certificates of participation among the attendees.
AIG AJK Police Tahir Mahmood Qureshi gave shields to PITB SPM Rai Rashid and certificates to the team members SPM Abrar ul Haque, SSE CRO Abubakar, and Operation Support Officer Faisal Fazil. He lauded PITB for the timely delivery of the system.
Syed Bilal Haider Faisal Yousaf Adil Iqbal Khan Syed Qasim Ifzal Rai Rashid Abrar-ul-Haq Abubakar Faisal Fazil Hasnain Iqbal Ammar Chaudhry