Ambassador of Pakistan visited Namaro village and donated Pakistani rice among the citizens of Namaro Town.

The embassy of Pakistan donated Rice/food assistance to Namaro Town On the invitation of Chef Canton of Namaro the Ambassador of Pakistan visited Namaro village and donated Pakistani rice among the citizens of Namaro Town. Namaro town is situated around 50 kilometres away from the capital city Niamey. The region was severely affected by the food shortage. Chief of Numerou town requested Pakistan Embassy for urgent food assistance.

His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Ali Sirohey, Ambassador of Pakistan assured them of instant assistance and sent Pakistani rice for 500 families. The Chief of Namaro village, District Management, Police and local representatives witnessed the presentation ceremony.

The Chief of Namaro and local representatives appreciated the Pakistan Embassy for the relief activities in far-flung rural areas. He said that it is the only embassy that has shown solidarity with the people in distress. The local representative acknowledged Embassy’s support to the flood-affected people of Numerou in a difficult time. He appreciated the Ambassador’s role and thanked the government of Pakistan for timely help to the flood-affected communities of the Republic of Niger. The rice was mainly distributed among the widows and orphans of different parts of Namaro region.

The Ambassador assured that Pakistan would keep its support continue for the brotherly people of the Republic of Niger. The people & government of Pakistan love Nigerien brothers and sisters and never stop supporting you in time of need.

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