Mayor Murtaza Wahab starts Clean and Green Karachi campaign, President KATI

by: Zehra Zahid TN Media News:
Management of Parks and District Clubs should be run under Public Private Partnership. Faraz-ur-Rehman.
President of Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) Faraz-ur-Rehman has congratulated People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, and Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab on the inauguration of Korangi Causeway Bridge and demanded that clean and green campaign may be started in the city.
He said that the parks and other public places in the city are in a dilapidated state, for which the immediate attention of Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab is required.
President KATI said that except for a few places in the city, the overall condition of the parks are extremely poor. He said that all the parks, district clubs and uninhabited places should be renovated under the public-private sector to ensure the provision of entertainment and facilities to the people in the style of Karachi Gymkhana.
Faraz-ur-Rehman said that there is no doubt that the Sindh government has initiated many mega projects for the development and construction of Karachi, but the garbage heaps in the city and the poor cleaning arrangements in the parks need immediate attention. He said that KATI is committed to making Karachi and Korangi Industrial Area clean and green, and KATI is ready to volunteer to be an arm of the government and offers its services for the betterment of the city.
President KATI said that Pakistan is already severely affected by climate change for which there is a dire need for plantation in Karachi. He said that we all have to take the city of Karachi on the path of development.
Faraz-ur-Rehman further said that the Mayor Karachi should form committees for the maintenance and renovation of parks and places reserved for healthy activities, in which industrialists and all citizens should join by fulfilling their responsibility. He also requested the philanthropists in this regard to come forward and play their role in providing healthy activities to the society.
While the government should also strongly encourage such individuals or organizations who are determined to provide healthy activities to the society by taking care and beautification of parks and playgrounds in the spirit of service.
President KATI requested the Sindh government to financially strengthen public service institutions so that they can perform their duties better and make public service efficient. He said that KATI is active to make Karachi and Korangi industrial areas clean and green.
Faraz-ur-Rehman further said that it is hoped that as the mayor of Karachi Murtaza Wahab will use all his abilities for the improvement and beautification of the city along with taking steps to complete the renovation and development works of the parks.