Prime Minister Imran Khan says ‘foreign conspiracy’ behind efforts to remove him from power

PM Imran Khan says details of conspiracy will be brought forward “at the right time”

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday alleged that a “foreign conspiracy” was behind the no-confidence motion against him, adding that details of the conspiracy will be brought forward soon. The premier said this while addressing the “Amr-bel-Maroof” (enjoining good) public gathering at the Parade Ground in the federal capital. The ruling PTI had claimed that at least a million people are in attendance in today’s gathering on the call of PM Imran. At the start of the address, PM Imran thanked the nation for responding to his call and attending today’s rally at the Parade Ground.

The PM also paid tribute to his “team and members of the Parliament” for standing by him despite the attempts made by the Opposition to allegedly “buy their conscience”. “I pay tribute to you. You have made me happy I am proud of you,” PM Imran told his team. The premier said that he did not know about the ideology of Pakistan till he went abroad and added that he learnt about the country’s ideology due to the experiences he had abroad when he was studying and playing cricket.

“The system of Madinah made by our Prophet (PBUH) was not seen in Pakistan but I could see it in the Western world,” said PM Imran. He added that he had understood what a welfare state was when he went to Britain. The premier said that in Britain a “common man has free healthcare, education, unemployment benefits” and legal access.

“I saw in Europe and Scandinavia how they uplift their destitute segments of society,” said PM Imran. He added that when Muslims followed the principles of the state of Madinah they used to rule the world and became world leaders. The premier said that when he talks about Pakistan’s ideology, it means that the “state should care about the weak segment of the society”.

“I am very proud that we are on that path,” said PM Imran as he gave examples of the projects undertaken by his government such as universal health coverage, the Ehsaas programme. The PM also shared that when his government increased revenue by collecting higher taxes, he decided to provide a “subsidy of Rs 250 billion” on petroleum products and an Rs5 subsidy on electricity. The premier assured the country that the more taxes he collects the more he “will spend it on the people”.

All this drama is for an NRO: PM
PM Imran said that the “second principle of the state of Madinah was justice”, adding that it was important to understand why he is not giving a National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) to the Opposition leaders. The PM said that nations are destroyed when “a small criminal” is jailed but a “big thief” would be given an NRO for his crime. “This is not Pakistan’s misfortune. This is the misfortune of all developing nations. Developing nations go weak because they do not catch white-collar crime and give them NRO,” said PM Imran.

The premier said that big thieves “steal from nations and buy mansions in London”, just like the “three stooges who have gathered together”. The PM uses the term “stooges” in reference to Asif Ali Zardari, Shahbaz Sharif and Maulana Fazlur Rehman. “All this drama is being done so Imran Khan as former president General Musharraf gives them an NRO. Since the first day [of my government] they are trying to blackmail [me],” said PM Imran. He added that the country was facing the burden of loans because of Musharraf’s decision to grant an NRO to the Opposition “to save his government.”

“My Government goes or my life goes I will never forgive them,” vowed PM Imran.

The premier then recapped the achievements of his government, including how the country steered itself out of the coronavirus pandemic and how its economy remained stable while the whole world was struggling. The prime minister then talked about how the country established records in terms of economy, exports, tax collection, agriculture, remittances, and construction, among other domains.

He talked about the construction of dams in the country and the resolution of water problems. The premier then addressed the media of the country, especially news anchors, to invite economic experts so that they could assess how the government achieved targets.

PM says ‘foreign conspiracy’ is being hatched to remove him
After nearly an hour-long speech, PM Imran told the crowd that he had called the people to share with them the foreign conspiracy being done to remove his government. The PM, who speaking extemporaneously so far, shared that he had written this speech as it was a very “sensitive” topic and did not want to speak emotionally.

“In our country, with the help of people within our country governments have gotten changed,” said PM Imran.
The PM told the crowd that when former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto tried giving Pakistan an “independent foreign policy to the country” then Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Nawaz Sharif launched a movement against him.

“And situations like today’s were created due to those conditions Bhutto was hanged,” said PM Imran. He added that today’s Bhutto’s son in law, Asif Ali Zardari, and grandson, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, are sitting with his murderers in the thirst of a chair. “They do not have any shame they do politics on their grandfather and for the sake of their seat they are with the people who got him hanged,” said PM Imran The PM said that the country has been kept in the same situation and attempts are being made to affect the country’s foreign policy.

“We knew of this conspiracy for some months. We know about those who have gathered them (Opposition),” said PM Imran. However, the premier said that today’s times were not like how it was during Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s. “It’s a new time and this is social media’s time. Nothing remains hidden,” said PM Imran. He added the Opposition was using “foreign funding” to change the government.

“Attempts being made to change the government through foreign funding,” said PM Imran. He added that “money is from abroad” and the people that are being used are Pakistanis. “A lot of them unknowingly and some knowingly are using this money against us,” said PM Imran. He added that the Pakistani nation needs to decide if they will let the slaves who have taken money from abroad be successful.

“We know from where they are trying to pressurise us in the interests of our nation but have threatened us in writing. But we will not compromise. I am keeping the case for Pakistan’s independence in front of you,” said PM Imran. He added that he has the letter with him as “proof”. “There are a lot of things about foreign conspiracy and will be brought forward soon,” said PM Imran. He added that he was not saying anything in detail because he does “not want to say anything that harms” the country.