Saudi Arabia: How many billions of riyals did people spend in a week?

by: TN Media News Riyadh:
11.2 billion riyals were purchased in Saudi Arabia in the last one week. Most of the money was spent on hoteling.
In the data released by the Saudi Central Bank ‘Sama’, it is said that 180 thousand digital payments were made in Saudi Arabia between November 12 and 18 for the purchase of various goods, in which a total of 11.2 billion riyals were made. Transaction done.

The highest amount was spent on food and drink, in which 1.7 billion Rials were spent, followed by 1.3 billion Rials spent on the purchase of various goods.

Regarding the transportation sector, a transaction of 698.9 million Rials was recorded. 191 million Rials were spent on the purchase of gold jewelry, while 114.2 million Rials were spent on entertainment equipment and 348 million Rials were spent on residential hotels and furnished apartments.

In the data released by the Saudi Central Bank, it is further stated that 273.3 million Rials were spent on the purchase of furniture, while 681.6 million Rials were spent on public health.

Transactions worth 776.5 million Rials were recorded at petrol stations during the past week, while 209.5 million Rials were spent on the purchase of electronic and electrical equipment.

340.8 million Rials were spent on construction while 735.3 million Rials were spent on the purchase of garments and shoes.


TN Media News