’Significant Outcomes of 20th National Congress of CPC’’

Written by: Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram Executive Director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future (PRCCSF), Islamabad.

The 20th national congress of CPC has marked a new era for China’s success in many aspects. Due to effective strategies and robust plans made in congress, the country has steered on the path of national rejuvenation and wider regional cooperation. Thus, it is significant to highlight that over the past Century, hundreds of millions of Chinese have dedicated themselves to realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Their contribution will go down in the annals of history and their epic deeds will be remembered by posterity. Furthermore, the grand vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by the Secretary General of CPC, His Excellency Xi Jinping, will be the hallmark of future triumph.

His visions reflect that China will continue to enhance its efforts to integrate countries and revitalize regional connectivity while eradicating differences. Pursuing a path of peaceful development is a choice made by the Communist Party of China (CPC). The core of the party, i.e., President Xi, has the right appraisal of the evolving socioeconomic dynamics of the world. Thus, he has introduced grand narratives of development, broader alignments, and cooperation to achieve future aspirations.

I believe that China has been blessed with this visionary statesman and the recent policy strategies/plans will potentially cater to global needs and progress. Presently, the country is in its best period of development in modern times, while the world is undergoing the most profound and unprecedented changes in a century. These two realities are intertwined and mutually influential.

There are, therefore, many favourable external conditions for successfully carrying out diplomatic work both at present and in the period ahead, along with the vision of building a community with a shared future. The concept of a shared future reflects the truth that all countries are interdependent and the whole of humanity shares the same future. It reflects the common values of society and finds the most significant common ground to build a better world.

The outcomes of the 20th congress show that China will never promote the unilateral propositions of one or a few cultures, nor will it seek to make each and every country act in the same manner, far less to replace one system or civilization model with another. Instead, it has proposed that countries with different social systems, ideologies, historical civilizations and development levels target the same goals, align their interests, and share their rights and responsibilities so as to promote the overall development of human society.

For future plans decided in the 20th congress, China will develop a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and be more confident in the culture to build a modern socialist country in all respects. Socialism with Chinese characteristics relies on fostering a new generation of young people, projecting rich Chinese culture and better presenting China to the world.  Therefore, the foundational system must be ensured as per the guiding role of Marxism in the ideological domain. Guided by the core socialist values, China will develop advanced socialist culture, promote revolutionary culture and carry fine traditional Chinese culture for the future.

The process of globalization has made the world a global village. Now, countries have been pursuing such unique paths to attain common aspirations. In this aspect, China has become a global leader in fostering joint development and cooperation in diverse areas. As a result of opening up reforms and robust policies, the world has witnessed a great change in the form of the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). Undoubtedly, BRI has transformed the socioeconomic structures of third-world states.

For example, China’s development in Africa and other parts of the world has astonishingly uplifted their economies. The classic example of BRI along with many other projects of global development has paved the way for lower developing states to keep pace with the time. Thanks to China and President Xi that many projects have been successfully implemented. These realities depict that all countries have enhanced their trust in the Chinese leadership.


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