Sindh Rangers and Karachi Police Office Terrorists Attack.

Their morale is high up above the sky. Our Law Enforcement Agencies are our redline. I sleep comfortably at night and work peacefully during the day because these lions have a morale that is unbreakable, unshakable and unbeatable.

Sindh Rangers senior officer along with his 5 personnel was patrolling sadder when he heard the news of the KPO incident. He immediately responded and started the operation and these 6 men force penetrated the KPO building and rounded the terrorists. Then his unit responded and came to the hot area and took over the building and eliminated the terrorists.
These brave hearts are seriously injured in the operation are still ready to fight for us and the country, they are a blessing of Allah the Almighty, and they sacrifice their everything for our today and tomorrow.
Sindh Rangers Zindabad!