The Saudi International Exhibition for the Requirements of Persons with Disabilities and Rehabilitation.

by: TN Media News Riyadh.
The Saudi International Exhibition for Disability and Rehabilitation Requirements will take place in Riyadh from March 13 to 15, 2023, and will be held under the strategic auspices of the Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities. Over 80 local and international exhibitors will participate in the exhibition, which aims to showcase the latest assistive technologies and medical devices for people with disabilities, as well as the best international practices in the field.

In addition to the exhibition, there will be many workshops related to the empowerment of persons with disabilities within both spatial and virtual environments. The exhibition will bring together many entities representing 25 countries and specialized authorities that serve the lives of people with disabilities.

The exhibition is designed to create an environment that connects persons with disabilities with those interested in the field, including the governmental, private, and non-profit sectors concerned with persons with disabilities. The accompanying activities included in the exhibition and cultural and awareness programs will be part of the initiative aimed at achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in empowering persons with disabilities, their integration into the labor market and society, and enhancing all services provided.

The Saudi International Exhibition for Disability and Rehabilitation Requirements is being organized by the 1st Arabia Tradeshows & Conferences at the Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center in Riyadh, in strategic partnership with the Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities. The exhibition urges all persons with disabilities and those interested and specialists in the field of rehabilitation to attend and participate by registering via the link dedicated to the exhibition page

This exhibition comes as an extension of the efforts made in empowering persons with disabilities within society and reaching a society that achieves integration and inclusion.