5 officials of Intelligence Bureau suspended after TV host Iqrarul Hassan accuses them of torture

Television host and journalist Syed Iqrarul Hassan on Tuesday accused officials of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) of detaining him and members of his team for hours at their Karachi office and subjecting them to extreme forms of torture after he attempted to expose alleged corruption within their ranks.

Hassan’s ordeal came to light when pictures of him bloodied up and receiving medical treatment on a hospital bed emerged on Twitter. Later, his fellow TV journalist Waseem Badami shared a video of him visiting Hassan at the hospital, by which time the injured journalist had been bandaged up, while his left arm was bound in a sling.

Speaking to ARY News, the channel he works for, Hassan said that he and his team were “stripped naked, blindfolded and tortured for exposing the corruption of an IB inspector”.

The TV host went on to say the officials also shot videos of him after stripping him and his team members naked.

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