Azad Kashmir Prime Minister courageously represented aspirations of Kashmiris at world level

Azad Kashmir Prime Minister courageously represented the aspirations of Kashmiris at the world level

Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan says Prime Minister Imran Khan has courageously represented the aspirations of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) at the world level.

Addressing a news conference in Islamabad on Tuesday, he said the Prime Minister has put the country’s foreign policy and economy in the right direction.

Commenting on the political situation, Sardar Abdul Qayyum said our enemies want to destabilize Pakistan and the opposition parties should refrain forms steps that serve their objective.

The Azad Kashmir Prime Minister asked the Kashmiri people to fully participate in D-Chowk public gathering and express solidarity with Prime Minister Imran Khan.


TN Media News