Honeywell GARD Releases 2024 USB Threat Report Highlighting Rising Cybersecurity Risks.

by: TN Media News Pakistan:

Honeywell Global Analysis, Research, and Defense (GARD) has released its much-anticipated 2024 USB Threat Report, revealing a significant rise in cybersecurity threats linked to USB devices. The report underscores the increasing sophistication and prevalence of malware attacks propagated through USB drives, posing a substantial risk to both corporate and industrial environments.

Key Findings: According to the 2024 USB Threat Report, USB-borne threats have surged by 52% compared to the previous year. The analysis, based on data collected from Honeywell’s Secure Media Exchange (SMX) solutions deployed globally, highlights several alarming trends:

Increased Malware Sophistication: The report notes a marked increase in the complexity of malware targeting USB devices. Advanced threats, including ransomware and fileless malware, now account for a significant portion of USB-related infections.

Targeting Critical Infrastructure: A notable trend is the targeting of critical infrastructure sectors, such as manufacturing, energy, and transportation. These sectors are particularly vulnerable due to the integration of legacy systems with modern IT networks.

Proliferation of Autorun-Based Attacks: Autorun-based malware continues to be a popular method for attackers to exploit USB drives, leveraging automatic execution features to spread malicious software without user intervention.

Industry Impact: The report emphasizes the critical need for enhanced security measures to protect against USB-borne threats. Industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) environments are identified as particularly at risk, with potential impacts including operational disruptions, data breaches, and financial losses.

Mark Urban, Vice President of Offering Management and Marketing at Honeywell Connected Enterprise Cybersecurity, commented on the findings: “The data clearly shows that USB threats are not only persistent but are evolving in their sophistication and targeting. Organizations must adopt robust security practices, including strict policies on USB usage and advanced threat detection solutions, to mitigate these risks.”

Recommendations: Honeywell GARD’s report provides several recommendations for organizations to bolster their defenses against USB-borne threats:

Implement Advanced Threat Detection: Deploy solutions capable of detecting and neutralizing sophisticated malware before it can execute.

Enforce USB Usage Policies: Establish and enforce stringent policies governing the use of USB devices within corporate and industrial environments.

Regular Security Training: Conduct regular cybersecurity training for employees to raise awareness about the risks associated with USB drives and safe handling practices.

Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response: Maintain continuous monitoring of systems for suspicious activities and have a robust incident response plan in place.

Conclusion: The 2024 USB Threat Report by Honeywell GARD serves as a critical wake-up call for organizations worldwide to reassess their cybersecurity strategies, particularly concerning the use of USB devices. As cyber threats continue to evolve, proactive measures and advanced security solutions are essential to safeguarding critical infrastructure and sensitive data from increasingly sophisticated attacks.

For more detailed insights and specific data from the report, visit Honeywell’s official website and download the full 2024 USB Threat Report.


TN Media News