by: TN Media News:
Teachers training workshop for engineering faculty at Lahore Leads University started at main campus. The workshop was conducted by a team of experienced and qualified trainers who specialize in engineering education.
The training sessions covered topics including classroom communication, teacher-student relations, lesson planning, effective use of technology in the classroom, student engagement techniques, and assessment strategies.
While nominating engineering faculty, head of Engineering Team, Engr. Haider Ali Khan said Engineers are professionals who work with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment.
They use their expertise to create a wide range of products, from consumer electronics like smartphones and computers to complex systems like power grids and communication networks.
Engr. Haider Ali said, Engineers are responsible for analyzing and solving problems related to electrical systems, including issues with power transmission and distribution, circuit design, and control systems.
They work in a variety of industries, including energy, telecommunications, aerospace, and manufacturing, and are essential to the development of new technologies that power our modern world. They need to keep themselves upgrading on continuous basis.
Vice Chancellor Dr. Nadeem Bhatti emphasized on importance of teacher education at higher education level. He said, most of time teachers are very qualified and competent, yet lack art of teaching.
They know everything, but not the art of teaching. Teaching is an art; which our teachers need to up skill, for knowledge of teacher without art of imparting is totally unavailing.
Dr. Nadeem Bhatti said, training of teaching staff in Engineering Faculty is needed to remain committed to the core principles of the engineering profession and to assist them in achieving and maintaining their professional life.
Engineering teachers also learn about We value ethics, commitment to their clients, and helping the community at large.