Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram participated as a keynote speaker in Seminar “Occupation of Kashmir”.

Negation of Indian Claims as Democracy” organized by Youth Forum for Kashmir, at the University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
On 26th January 2023, Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, ED, PRCCSF participated as a keynote speaker in the Seminar “Occupation of Kashmir: Negation of Indian Claims as Democracy” organized by Youth Forum for Kashmir, at the University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.

He stated that the Indian government is implementing black laws, openly targeting, arresting, and killing innocent Kashmiri youths and fake encounters across the territory to suppress the voice of Kashmiris.

He showed displeasure towards the United Nations for its failure to implement Security Council resolutions to fulfil its due responsibilities to ensure an early referendum in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir. He also discussed the Human rights violation of minorities under the BJP government.

He hoped that a day would come when Kashmiris to be free from a brutal occupation. Other speakers of the session were as follows:
Dr. Mujhahid Gillani, President of Kashmir Youth Affairs.
Dr. Muhammad Munir, Head of Department (HOD) International Relations.
Dr. Abid Ghafoor, Chairperson, Department of Anthropology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.
MRS Mushaal Hussain Mallick, Chairperson, Peace and Conflict Organization.
Mr. Zaman Bajwa, Executive Director, Youth Forum for Kashmir.


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