Mr. Khalid Taimur participated in ‘’X Moscow Conference in International Security” at Moscow, Russia

On 16th August 2022, the X Moscow Conference on International Security in Moscow, Russia was held by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As an international expert, Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, Executive Director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future (PRCCSF), Islamabad represented Pakistan and was invited by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Government of Russia.

The high-level conference commenced with the welcome address by the President of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Vladimir PUTIN. The opening session also included important speeches by Army General Sergey SHOYGU, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Alexendar VOLFOVICH, State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, and Mr. Zhang MING, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The detailed sessions during the X Moscow Conference amid a variety of significant discussion themes. A wide range of topics and issues were discussed during the three main plenary sessions. The themes of the discussion are mentioned below:

  • Global security in an emerging multilateral world
  • Regional aspects of global security: Asia-Pacific region
  • Regional aspects of global security: Africa, Middle East and Latin America

Delegates from various countries were invited to attend the X Moscow Conference on International Security in Moscow, Russia organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The platform called for an open dialogue between defence agencies, international organizations and military experts. The discussions focused on the most topical issues of international relations, in the resolution of which an important role belongs to the military department of different states.

The successful conduct of the X Moscow International Conference on Security, hosted by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian government has proved to be a milestone in exhibiting the global outreach of the Russian diplomatic efforts. The participation of Defence Ministries/Defence Forces Chiefs and other high-level dignitaries from all around the world and their acknowledgement of Russia’s efforts for playing an important geostrategic role, clearly manifest the successful foreign policy adopted by His Excellency President Vladimir Putin.

The international program of the forum included the most imminent issues of the contemporary global and regional security agenda, in the solution of which the key role belongs to defence and military agencies.

Russia has emerged as a strong player in unifying nations to collectively resolve global challenges with a shared approach. The country’s efforts toward maintaining global security and peace under the auspice of international law have paved the way for broader regional cooperation.

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