PHF announces hockey calendar for remaining half of 2023.

LAHORE: The Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) on Wednesday announced its international and domestic programmes for the remaining half of the year 2023.

The most important international event during the ongoing year will be Pakistan’s participation in the Asian Champions Trophy being held in Chennai from Aug 3-12. The training camp for this event is already in progress in Lahore.

Moreover, Pakistan men’s and women’s teams will feature in the Five-a-Side events in Salalah, Oman from Sept 4-24. The country will also compete in this year’s Asian Games to be hosted by Chinese city of Guangzhou from Sept 23-Oct 8.

Then Pakistan will also play the 11th Sultan of Johor Cup, for juniors, being held in Malaysia from Oct 27-Nov 4. In their last international event of the year, Pakistan will field their team in the all-important Junior World Cup which being staged in Kuala Lumpur from Dec 5-16.

At the domestic level, the Chief of Naval Staff Cup will be staged in Lahore from July 9-18 and the Maripur Petroleum Independence Hockey Cup will be held in Rawalpindi (Aug 15-21).

The National Senior Hockey Championship will be played in Rawalpindi from Oct 9-18 while the Chief of Army Staff National Club Championship will be held in December.


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