Fact Check – Social Media Think Tank group is a non-profit think tank group where intellect from different domains are called and topics are discussed to unleash facts. This Think Tank group discuss current issues topics and bring an expert view to show the reality behind it and discusses remedies to overcome.
The basic objective of this group is interdisciplinary research with the objective of providing advice on a diverse range of policy issues and products through the use of specialized knowledge and the activation of networks. On 15th May 2022 Fact Check – Social Media Think Tank group has organized an International webinar on the topic of “Role of Social Media in Digital Age”.
In this topic guest speakers from different parts of the world discussed the Weaponization of social media, 5th Generation Warfare, Deep Fake – Fake Virals and the impact of Social Media on Youth and Society. In this webinar following intellects were invited;
1. Lt. Col® Rizwan T.I (M) Media Analyst, I.T Think Tank, Security Think Tank
2. Hamid Khan Almashriqi
Sr. Journalist, Anchorperson Analyst, Columnist, Writer, I.R & Strategic Affairs Expert, I.T Expert
3. Mufti Imran Javed General Secretary Religious Affairs Tehreek-e-Jawanane Pakistan
4. Professor Dr. Shahida Wizarat PhD in Economics, DEAN College of Economics & Social Development at IOBM.
5. Abdul Rehman Tiwana Social Media Influencer
6. Rana Tariq Security & Politics Analyst
This Webinar was Hosted by Ch. Muhammad Natiq Ubaid who is a member of several Think Tank Associations and Groups. He is Chief Editor – Editorial and Commentary at TNMN Media News. Col. ®Rizwan was a technical co-host and also a speaker in this session, he is the chairperson of the Security Professionals Think Tank Association and I.T Think Tank groups, and he has in-depth study on the current
geopolitical structure of the world.
He has mastered security, politics and technological fields of study each guest speaker unshackled an immense load of information and knowledge on the topic and discussed it in the current scenario of Pakistan’s Political, Social, economical and religious aspects.
In this discussion, both sides of the topic were discussed. Guest Speakers turn by turn discussed how this toll can be used to benefit the society and how it can be used against the system and the people.