UAE Fuel Prices to Increase in March

BY:  ZAINAB MANSOOR Gulf Business:

In a significant move, the UAE fuel committee has announced a rise in fuel prices effective from March. The price of Super 98 is set to increase by 9.8 per cent, reaching Dhs3.23 per litre, up from Dhs2.94 in February. This change marks a notable adjustment in the cost of premium fuel in the region.

Similarly, the price for Special 95 will see a substantial rise of 10.6 per cent, climbing to Dhs3.12 per litre from the current price of Dhs2.82. This surge reflects the ongoing adjustments in the fuel market, impacting motorists who rely on this grade of petrol.

Diesel prices are also set to rise, with the new rate being Dhs3.19 per litre, compared to Dhs2.88 in February. This increase is likely to have broader implications for various sectors, including transportation and logistics, where diesel is a primary fuel source.

Additionally, the cost of 91 E-plus will go up to Dhs3.05 per litre, from the existing price of Dhs2.75. This adjustment is part of the overall hike in fuel prices that will take effect next month.

The fuel committee’s decision comes amid fluctuating global oil prices and is expected to impact consumers and businesses alike. Motorists are advised to plan accordingly as the new prices come into effect.


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