’Unveiling Western Abhorrence towards China: A Case Study of Xinjiang’’

by: Khalid Taimur Akram,
‘’Unveiling Western Abhorrence towards China: A Case Study of Xinjiang’’.
The Xinjiang region, which is also the hub of Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), is currently experiencing unprecedented development and progress. The reality is that Xinjiang people from all ethnic origins, and cultural backgrounds enjoy full equality, emancipation, and dignity in China. The province of Xinjiang is the fifth largest producer and distributor of cotton to the globe. It is important to highlight that China has developed its cotton production rapidly during the last 61 years. Thus, the Chinese development model depicts the successful conduct of statecraft. As per a report, China produces almost 25-30% of the world’s cotton. Its textile industry is also the biggest exporter to many major and leading brands worldwide.

For many major Western clothing brands, China has been their biggest growth market for a couple of past decades. It is the world’s biggest apparel market, accounting for above 24% of global sales, according to an analysis. Chinese-made fabric may contain cotton from a variety of both Chinese regional and international sources. Its exports both cotton yarn and fabrics to apparel-manufacturing nations across Asia. In this aspect, Xinjiang’s cotton production is relatively high yield and good quality. The region is a potential area of upland cotton and sea-island cotton in the world with perfect cultivation and management technology.

However, this undeniable reality is now being disregarded, distorted, and politicized by a number of malicious mainstream media in the West through their baseless narratives about so-called ‘’Human rights violations’’, ‘’Child labor’’, and ‘’Muslim genocide” in Xinjiang. West, especially, the American false façade and propaganda against China remained the main source of igniting belligerence towards Xinjiang. Vaccine conspiracy, G-7 belligerence towards the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) in the form of infrastructure financing mechanism, Xinjiang Cotton ban, and AUKUS military pact and many other hostile activities clearly manifests the West’s continuous hypocrisy and rivalry against rising China.

Defying West’s Structured Antagonism towards China:
The world still vividly remembers the fact that the largest humanitarian disaster haunting millions of Muslims and violating sovereignty in the contemporary world was not caused by China in any sense. It was the infamous American invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and many other states. The U.S. has remained a prominent rival to Chinese-led initiatives and programs. The irreversible rise of China has been tried to curtail by the U.S. through wicked propaganda and media campaigns. In the Covid-19 era, countries are aspiring to tackle the deadly pandemic, supporting each other with medical aid, curtailing humanitarian crisis, and eradicating other common issues. On the contrary, the U.S has been profoundly indulged in offensive means to sabotage Chinese inclusive economic development projects and its strong global outreach.

Under the core of the CPC party, President Xi Jinping, China holds a narrative that development is the right of all countries rather than the exclusive privilege of the few. Thereby, the visionary leadership is committed to pursuing development for China and the world and bringing benefits to all. As a superpower, China contributes to humanity by maintaining long-term stable development. China’s innovative achievements in many fields have brought greater convenience to work and daily life worldwide. Furthermore, it has also injected new impetus into international technological innovation and global economic growth.

There are many prolonged challenges in the world. In this regard, there is a stark need for wider integration, not rivalries or fierce competition. The West, especially the U.S., must shed the orthodox Cold War mentality that jeopardizes global stability and peace. It has been uncovered that the U.S. is trying to pursue its vicious agendas via coercive actions and negative rhetoric against China. However, it is like lifting a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet because such political maneuvers cannot impact China’s irresistible and irreversible global outreach.

China’s Robust Initiatives and Development in Xinjiang: Empirical Assessment
The malicious attempt to start conflicts and demonize China in the world, however, is doomed to fail. Because the power of truth will inevitably disapprove all lies. The local Muslim community in Xinjiang is being portrayed as a subject of abysmal poverty, acute injustice, and grave oppression. Nevertheless, all the allegations are meaningless and merely politicizing campaigns against the rising Chinese economy.

It was an honor for me to visit Xinjiang many times and witness the province’s development. The per capita income and quality of life have been enhanced manifolds due to sustainable projects taken by the government of China.  The actual evidence supports the view that China always treats the Uyghurs and other Muslims humanely and respectfully.  The government has introduced plenty of laws that prohibit ethnic and religious discrimination, including equal representation for varieties of people in government, and legal protection of indigenous customs, fully sharing the democratic rights and high living standards. Thus, Xinjiang has become a modernized society.

Thus, western media’s fabricated stories and false news are focused to malign China’s image globally. China has alleviated poverty and pursued sustainable development in Xinjiang autonomous region. The employment level is stable and a large number of job opportunities have been created by the startling policies of President Xi Jinping.

In the future, it is potentially expected that the growing industry of cotton in Xinjiang will develop further. In this context, the upgraded farming techniques for cotton yield, an advanced mechanism for agriculture productivity, and an efficient workforce are the key factors in making China the world’s biggest producer and supplier of cotton. Industry’s revenue will increase and boost China’s agriculture/economic sector. It is believed that the Xinjiang cotton has a great prospect with the support of new farming technologies.

Even with the ongoing fierce market competition, Beijing will utilize its existing potential, enhance cotton capacity and continue to supply it internationally with a high ratio. Due to dynamic policies and projects of economic development by President Xi Jinping, the world has affirmed support and trust in China. Therefore, such despicable moves to weaponized people’s empathy and goodwill through lies in order to delegitimize any state will certainly face righteous opposition globally and from all those who value truth, equality, and justice.

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