“Youme-Estehsaal-e-Kashmir” observed by the Consulate General of Pakistan Jeddah to express solidarity with Kashmiris in the face of Indian atrocities.

By: Syed Mussarat Khalil, special correspondent.
Jeddah-Syed Hamza Saleem Gilani. Press Consular at Consulate General of Pakistan Jeddah said in a press statement that The Consulate General of Pakistan in Jeddah observed “Youm-e-Estehsaal-e-Kashmir to express solidarity with Kashmiris in the face of Indian atrocities on Saturday, 5th August 2023.

He said the event, held at the Consulate General of Pakistan at Jeddah, aimed to commemorate the day when India officially revoked the autonomous status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and imposed direct central rule.

Messages from the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister of Pakistan were conveyed, stressing the significance of demonstrating unity with the people of Kashmir. Additionally, a documentary illustrating the current condition in IIOJK was unveiled, granting attendees a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by the local residents.

The event saw the participation of influential speakers, including Consul General of Pakistan Jeddah, Khalid Majid, chairman of the Kashmir Committee Jeddah, Masood Puri, and chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Community Overseas JKCO, Sardar Waqas Anayat. These esteemed individuals shared their thoughts and insights on the current situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir IIOJK. Adding a dynamic and lively element to the proceedings were the young orators from Pakistan International School Jeddah, who delivered impactful speeches in both English and Urdu.

In his address, Consul General Khalid Majid brought attention to the grave injustices unfolding in IIOJK, emphasizing the imperative for the international community to recognize and confront the rampant human rights abuses occurring in the area. Additionally, he expressed gratitude towards King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia for their unwavering commitment to the Kashmir Cause.

India’s revocation of Article 370 and Article 35A in August 2019 stripped the residents of Jammu and Kashmir of their autonomy and privileges. The Kashmir black day is observed to express solidarity with Kashmiris and protest the Indian government’s actions, added Gilani.


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