Contributions of Pak Army in Balochistan.

🔸 Punchlines  🔹 Efforts in Balochistan

Reported by: Ch. Muhammad Natiq,
1. Pakistan Army established border markets in Badini, Chaman and Kech, to increase economic activities and employment of the locals.
2. Pakistan Army facilitated Completion of 1,320MW Coal-Fired Power Plant in Hub which is operational since 14 August 2019 and Phase – 1 of 200 acres area of Bostan Industrial Zone out of 1000 acres.
3. Pakistan Army laid the foundation stone of the desalination plant in Gwadar. The project will fulfil a long-awaited demand of the local population and will provide them with 4.4 million gallons of water per day with a capacity to increase the production to 8.8 million gallons per day.
4. Frontier Corps Balochistan (North) and district administration actively facilitated the resettlement process of around 2,000 local families, who had been displaced by tribal conflicts and unrest, have resettled in tehsil Kahan, Kohlu district of Balochistan.
5. 113 schools are supervised by Pakistan Army and approximately 40,000 students across Balochistan are being educated in these schools.
6. Pakistan Army Established 12 Army Schools and Colleges, 32 FC Schools and Colleges, and 9 cadet colleges in Sui, Pishin, Mastung, Panjgur, Jaffarabad, Kohlu, Turbat, Noshki and Awaran.
7. Seven latest Educational Projects include NUST at Quetta, Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences, Military College Sui, Sui Education City, Balochistan Public School Sui, Balochistan Institute of Technical Education, Gwadar Institute of Technology, and Army Institute of Mineralogy.
8. Chamalang Bln Edn Program (CBEP): Funded through the income of Chamalang Coal mines, the project supports the education of Baloch students; over 2500 x students graduated whereas over 4500 x students currently studying countrywide.
9. Since 2016, 60,000 patients have been treated in 650 free medical camps established by Southern Command and Frontier Corps. Since 2018, Tele Medical Centers are also functional and are providing medical services to far-flung areas on the video link. Approximately 25000 patients have availed of this facility to date.
10. As part of the Khushal Balochistan Program the Cardiac Centre Quetta has completed almost 80 percent. The Hospital will house the latest medical facilities including state-of-the-art operation theatres, and echo and nuclear cardio facilities.
11. Apart from Contributions to infrastructure, education and health sector, Army has also contributed to the establishment of the Timer-e-Panjgoor Date Farming Project.

🔹 Reko Diq Project
12. Due to the Army’s countless efforts under the leadership of COAS, Pakistan was saved from the $11 billion penalty in the Reko Diq case and reconstituted a project aimed at excavating huge gold and copper reserves from the site in Balochistan.
13. The Reko Diq agreement has been reached after several rounds of negotiations over the past three years. Reko Diq will potentially be the largest gold & copper mine in the world. It will liberate Pakistan from crippling debt & usher in a new era of development & prosperity.
14. Reko Diq will prove to be a game-changer for Federal, Provincial Governments and the people of Balochistan. It shall not only restore an investment-friendly image of Pakistan but will also accrue major economic benefits, development of indigenous mineral exploration capability and result in a momentous socio-economic boost for the people of Balochistan.
15. Government of Balochistan’s share will be paid by the Government of Pakistan for a long term revenue stream to Balochistan.
16. The project will create Direct job opportunities for approximately 8000 skilled and non-skilled while 12000 indirect jobs.
17. Barrick Gold will invest 1 % (approx Rs 160 Billion) in social uplift and Subsequently 0.4% of revenue per annum in Corporate Social Responsibilities in the local area, major socio-economic gains for the People of Balochistan.
18. The exploration activity will also result in the activation of the CPEC route and ports: import/export and transportation of materials.
19. Development of new infrastructure including trade routes, improved connectivity and expansion in trade corridors with attendant advantages of CPEC projects in areas.

🔹 Security of CPEC
20. Pakistan’s relations with China have deepened over the years with projects such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The main role for these strong ties has been played by Pakistan Army under the leadership of COAS Gen Bajwa as the security provided to CPEC and Chinese officials were ensured by the Army.
21. Army foiled all the nefarious designs of the HIAs and enemies to sabotage the CPEC project. Therefore, Chinese Minister for National Defence General Wei Fenghe acknowledged and appreciated the Pakistan Army’s sincere efforts for regional peace and the provision of a secure environment for CPEC projects.
22. Providing security to the Chamalang coal mines, raising the special security division for the protection of CPEC routes, developing road infrastructure for CPEC and assisting the government in the development and construction of the much-needed dams.
23. The efforts of the Special Communication Organisation (SCO) in northern Pakistan are also commendable as it has provided the much-needed support to CPEC projects and has persisted as the soft prong of diplomacy and nation-building tasks.

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