fifth-generation hybrid war through social media to malign our institutions including armed forces judiciary.

by: Mian Mehmood
This fifth-generation hybrid war through social media to malign our institutions including the armed forces judiciary by any youngsters of any party, particularly PTI must be dealt with iron hand otherwise it will hurt our country.

the institutions may also require their own acts launching Selected person on the nation through rigged elections, by FH, getting, disqualified and convicted sitting PM through judiciary must also be stopped, to stand united as a nation and supremacy of Parliament for Collective wisdom raised through fair and free elections as per the constitution and Independent judiciary minus any role of secret agencies just to play as defacto rulers is not now need of time.

All institutions must work within their constitutional role respecting other institutes, the Only Way Forward left. We all are patriots and no institution should issue certificates of traitor shop or oateiotusm to all citizens which ultimately led us to disarmament and misadventures in the past.

LETS us all play a positive role in building our country to make it prosperous and democratic, Aameen
Long live 🇵🇰 Pakistan. Pakistan. Zindabad


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