Pakistan Embassy Niger Observes 74th Death Anniversary of Father of Nation.

To commemorate the 74th Death Anniversary of the Father of the nation, Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Embassy of Pakistan Niger organised a special ceremony at the Pakistan House. The ceremony was presided over by former Head of Human Rights Commission Niger, Prof. Khalid Ikari. The ceremony was attended by local dignitaries, members of Civil Society, academia, businesspersons and the Pakistani community residing in Niger.

The event started with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by the tune of the national anthem.
H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ali Sirohey, Ambassador of Pakistan highlighted the importance of the Day and underscored the efforts made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah for a separate country. The death anniversary observes with due solemnity and with pledges to follow his golden principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline.

At the end of the program, Special prayers were offered for the eternal peace of the departed soul and the prosperity of the country.

TN Media News