PM Imran Khan says ‘US sent threatening memo’ in slip of tongue.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is speaking to the nation after delays, said that he wishes to address the country on an “important matter” related to Pakistan’s future. The PM said that he decided to address the nation live for this reason. “There’s a reason for that because Pakistan is at a defining moment,” said PM Imran. He added that the country has “two paths” in front of it and it has to decide which path it has to take. However, the premier that before sharing the important matter with the nation spoke about why he entered politics.

The PM shared that unlike other politicians he had achieved fame before he came to power. “There are very few people who achieved something in their life. Qauid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was one such politician. He had stood before coming to politics,” said PM Imran. The premier said that he is a lucky person and he was thankful that he had everything in life. He also shared that he was part of Pakistan’s first generation that was born in an Independent country.

“Pakistan is five years older than me,” said PM Imran. He added that his parents used to remind him that he was lucky to be born in an independent country and have no idea about “slavery”. The prime minister said that due to slavery, people could not move past a certain ceiling as above that, the “masters” were there who did not want people to propose.

“I came into politics because I realised that Pakistan cannot move in the direction that Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam wanted. Pakistan’s real reason was to establish an Islamic welfare state, just like Riasat-e-Madinah,” he said. The premier said in line with the ideology of Pakistan, he started politics and included three things in his manifesto — justice, humanity, and self-reliance.

PM Imran said he had everything before coming into politics due to faith in Allah — and not for an ulterior motive. The premier said Allah had made people “ashraf-ul-mkahlooqat” (the best of beings), which allows humanity to break free of the chains of slavery. “…this is because we consider money our God.” Recalling Pakistan’s prosperity and downfall, he said the world would look towards our country as it was developing at an exemplary pace. “I’ve seen the downfall of Pakistan.”

The premier lamented that Pakistanis’ downfall was due to the people adopting an easier path instead of choosing a tougher path that would lead them towards prosperity. The premier said that when he came to power he decided to pursue an “independent foreign policy”. He explained that following such a policy does not mean that Islamabad would “develop enmity” with any country. The PM shared that in the room he was using to address the nation, in that same room, former dictator General (retd) Pervez Musharraf told politicians that Pakistan had to participate in the war on terror.

The premier said that when he came to power he decided to pursue an “independent foreign policy”. He explained that following such a policy does not mean that Islamabad would “develop enmity” with any country. The PM shared that in the room he was using to address the nation, in that same room, former dictator General (retd) Pervez Musharraf told politicians that Pakistan had to participate in the war on terror. “In this room, we were told if we do not support the US then we are like a wounded bear and it may attack us,” said PM Imran. He added that he had said everywhere that Pakistan has no link with the war on terror.

“If they (US) have terrorism in their country [then] we should have helped them but does this mean we sacrifice Pakistanis in someone else’s war?” asked PM Imran. The PM said that Pakistan in the 1980s became a “frontline state” by saying that we are Washington’s ally and are “fighting jihad” against the Soviet Union.

The PM said that the “jihad” was fought in Pakistan’s tribal areas. “As soon as that jihad ends, Soviet Union loses US leaves and after 2 years that same US imposes Pressler sanctions on us,” said PM Imran. The premier said that after 9/11 US needed Pakistan again and Islamabad decided to extend support to them. The premier said that the sacrifices Pakistanis gave were not given by any other American ally.

“I understand tribal areas better than everyone else because I know its history,” said PM Imran. He added that the area was the most peaceful part of the country.“You cannot imagine what went on the people of the tribal areas due to the war,” said PM Imran. He added that the old jihadis and the people of the area went against Pakistan as they saw the country as a “collaborator of the US”. Moving on, PM Imran Khan, despite Pakistan’s participation and sacrifices it made for the United States’ “war on terror”, Islamabad never received appreciation.

The premier noted that when the country’s northern areas were bombarded by drones, he was the “only politician” who staged sit-ins against it. “None of the senior politicians raised their voice against it as they were afraid that it might draw United States’ ire. In which law is it written that the country for whom you are fighting, drops bombs on your soil,” he said. PM Imran Khan said Pakistanis suffered due to the “war on terror”. Therefore, the premier said when he came into power he aspired for an independent foreign policy.

“…our policy was not anti-US, -Europe, or even India it became anti-Indian after New Delhi revoked the special status of Kashmir and broke international law in August 2019,” the premier said. PM Imran names the US for threatening memo The United States, he said in a “slip of the tongue” and then moved on and stated that a foreign country had sent a “threatening memo” which was against the Pakistani nation.

“the letter stated that the no-confidence motion was being tabled even before it was filed, which means the Opposition was in contact with them,” the premier said.

PM Imran Khan said the memo was against him, not against the government. “…it stated that if the no-confidence motion passes, Pakistan will be forgiven, if not, there will be consequences.”

The premier stated that it was an “official letter” that was communicated by Pakistan’s ambassador, who was taking notes during the meeting. PM Imran Khan said the envoy was told that if Imran Khan remains in power, Pakistan would face “difficulties”. “Is this our standing? We are a strong nation of 220 million?” the premier asked the nation. PM Imran Khan said the letter does not mention any reason and only wanted his ouster.

“our ambassador told the foreign official that the prime minister had visited Russia after delibrations with [the country’s top brass]. But the foreign official stated that no, it was just Imran Khan’s decision,” the premier said. PM Imran Khan said the foreign official knew that the ones who come into power after him would have no issues taking orders from external forces.

“But what is most disturbing is that our people, who are sitting here, are in contact with foreign powers,” he said, as he referred to “three stooges” — PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif, PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari, and PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman. PM Imran Khan said PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif was convicted in Pakistani courts. Lashing out at the Opposition, he said the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and other institutions had made cases against them.

“Will the foreign countries want such corrupt people in power in their states? They are ready to accept such corrupt politicians, but I am not acceptable to them,” the prime minister said. The premier said the foreign powers were well-aware of the properties and assets of the “corrupt” politicians as he gave a reason behind the Opposition’s readiness to “follow foreign orders.”

The prime minister wondered why were the “three stooges” acceptable to the foreign powers. “I will tell you why they are acceptable. During dictator Pervez Musharraf’s tenure, only 11 drone attacks took place, but after them during the 10 years of [PPP and PML-N’s] tenure, 400 drone attacks took place.”

“They did not even utter a single word against it Even Hamid Karzai, who was the president of Afghanistan where the US forces were present, would condemn the drone attacks, but our politicians did not express reservations against it,” he said.

The prime minister said Fazl, according to WikiLeaks, told the former United States ambassador to Pakistan, that he will serve America just like the others. “Nawaz Sharif, according to Indian journalist Barkha Dutt, held secretive meetings with Narendra Modi in Nepal.” “Shahbaz claimed that I was wrong to say absolutely not to the United States this is why they like them,” the prime minister said on Opposition leaders’ acceptability to foreign powers.

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