Sustainability, AI, and ‘Slow’ Travel Set to Be Key Travel Trends in Next Three Years.

by: TN Media News:
Future Travel Trends in the UAE and Saudi Arabia Revealed by Marriott Bonvoy Research Release Date: November 27, 2023

A recent study conducted by Marriott Bonvoy unveils compelling travel trends among UAE and Saudi Arabian residents, emphasizing increased spending, sustainability, and the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in holiday planning.

Key Findings: AI Revolutionizing Travel Planning: Half of the surveyed travelers in both the UAE (52%) and Saudi Arabia (50%) have already utilized AI for holiday planning.
77% in both countries express willingness to use AI for travel planning in the future.

Sustainability Takes Center Stage: Over 20% of respondents are willing to pay more for eco-friendly accommodation. Majority (83% in UAE, 78% in KSA) believe in the responsibility of accommodation providers and holiday companies to support local communities.

Emerging Trends: “Dupe” destinations gain popularity, offering similar experiences to traditional destinations at a closer and more affordable proximity. “Slow holidays” witness rising popularity, with 82% in the UAE and 80% in KSA planning such vacations in the next three years. Solo travel remains a significant trend, with 70% in the UAE and 72% in KSA planning solo trips.

Climate Impact on Travel Plans: Extreme summer temperatures in Europe this year may influence travel plans.
86% in the UAE and 83% in KSA indicate potential changes in travel destinations or times due to rising temperatures.

Spending Habits: Over 90% in both the UAE and KSA plan to go on holiday next year. 66% in the UAE and 69% in KSA intend to spend more than usual on holidays in the coming year.

AI’s Influence on Decision-Making: 95% of those who used AI for planning in both countries say it influenced their holiday decisions, impacting accommodation, activities, and dining choices.

Importance of Sustainability: Sustainability is a priority for travelers, with 75% in the UAE and 70% in KSA checking the sustainability of their last accommodation.

Value for Money: While spending is expected to increase, travelers seek value for money.
32% in both the UAE and KSA plan to save money by opting for domestic holidays, and loyalty programs are a cost-saving strategy for 34%.

Neal Jones, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at Marriott International, notes a shift in travel priorities, highlighting sustainability and AI as key considerations, particularly among younger travelers. The study suggests a growing reliance on AI for travel planning, emphasizing the need for travel providers to adapt to evolving consumer preferences.


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