by: Javeria Asad:
Children are the architects of the future and encouraging them in educational activities is a welcome practice.
Keeping the tradition of the last ten years, the Memon Welfare Society-MASA in Jeddah Saudi Arabia organized the 11th Education Award As well announced the Abdul Sattar Edhi Award in Jeddah, in which 700+ people including leading business and social personalities of the Memon community attended.
In this event, 180 children including Kg to post-graduate, degree holders, and Hafiz Quran were awarded shields, trophies, and certificates. The educational award ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran,
In this event, Siraj Adamji, Siraj Lala, and Imran Musqatiya performed the compere duties.
President Masa Waseem Tai and GS Sadik Sorathiya congratulated all the children and emphasized on taking higher education. The chief guest of the ceremony, Mr. Khalid Majid, Consul General of Pakistan, Jeddah, in his speech he congratulated all the members of MASA for organizing the dignified event and encouraged the children. He assured the consulate and his full cooperation in other matters.
Masa will give this year’s Edhi Award to Shoaib Abdul Aziz Guest of honor Adnan Nasir (Principal of PISJ) and Yaqub Al Maimani attended the event.
Vice President Imran Amin Muscatiya thanked all attendees’ sponsors, media representatives, volunteers, and all those who put in their best efforts to make the event a success. Children and adults also enjoyed the swings and games in the park.