TDCP nominates Mr. Munir Ahmad Shad as Tourism Ambassador for Central Region, Saudi Arabia

TDCP (Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab) nominates Mr Munir Shad as Tourism Ambassador for Central Region, Saudi Arabia

I will  keep the name of TDCP and Pakistan high: Munir Shad

By Arshad Raza Bureau Chief
RIYADH: Munir Ahmad Shad, President of Pakistani Executive Forum, Chief Executive Officer of TN Media News, and an engineer by profession has been assigned as the honorary “Tourism Ambassador in Central Region, Saudi Arabia” for Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab to project the image of Pakistan globally, especially as a tourist-friendly destination.

In a letter issued from the office of the Chairman of TDCP Dr Sohail Zafar Cheema, appreciated the efforts being made by Munir Shad, quoted as saying: “ Munir Shad is well aware that the overseas Pakistanis are the backbone of the country and are playing a vital role to stabilize Pakistan economy. Being an ideal example of a patriotic personality the TDCP decided to have you represent Punjab/Pakistan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”

This is purely an honorary post for a period of three (3) years, said a letter, adding: “There will be no financial liability upon activity or marketing in the host country on the part of TDCP.” Being ambassador it is the duty of Mr. Munir Shad to achieve the objectives for the promotion of tourism in Punjab/Pakistan as per the vision of the prime minister and under the direction of the chief minister of Punjab, the letter said.

Mr. Munir Shad, on his part, was so emotional and said: “With single mind efforts I will wholeheartedly achieve the goals and responsibilities and to develop, expand and promote tourism business as well as to bring foreign investment for the establishment of tourism-related infrastructure and facilities in Pakistan.”

Mr. Shad stated: I’m thankful to my Almighty Allah and the TDCP for putting belief in my abilities and efforts to which I will keep the name of TDCP and Pakistan high because it is indeed a service to my beloved country.”

TN Media News