Politico-military Crisis Love letter

by: Lt Col Rizwan Ahmed (R)
In the recent crisis, I am well aware, I caused disliked for me by many of my respected Social Media, network, who already had a certain perception about my professional self as a learned Speaker/Analyst, pro-Pakistan, etc. And I am seriously hurt about it while acknowledging the fact, that I may have caused inconveniences to my loved ones.

Having said above,
Let me put the facts straight; The PTI was led by Mr Imran Khan, the Honourable ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan. Maybe not even 1% of those who are reading it has professionally worked for PTI as I am blessed to have worked for a noble cause of Women Empowerment with significant Impact, administratively leading 4.5 bn Pak Rs. First Women University in Swabi, KPK under PTI directly reporting to Speakers Chamber, of Ex-Speaker Janab Asad Qaisar, Sb).

To cut short, having been exposed to military and private corporations, that includes; Corporate,/Non-profit/Academia/universities/Higher Education/Industry/Real Estate Development. The real estate in direct coordination with Mr Zulfi Bukhari with CPIC at Gwadar, 300 MN USD biggest Real Estate and 100% owned by UK & US, based diaspora, project.

Last not least, I had a recent One On Public Session with PTI Member Janab Haleem Adil Shaikh Sb, opposition Leader Sindh Assembly towards Pakistan and this crisis, while leading Veterans’ representative of Safety security think tank APSS.

Above makes me more entrenched with PTI in physical, real-world professional domains than most generic social media moral supporters up to virtual champions or event trendsetters. So, please listen with love and patience.

Bottom line;
I actually have 2 x severe concerns for PAKISTAN 🇵🇰, in past over a month, when this recent politico-military crisis scenario started boiling/erupting, and have been sharing it with close circles as things were heating up and it’s an undeniable fact we are confronted with unprecedented crisis and challenges. Whereas I did share lengthy advisories but of course, in the clutter of social media and charged emotions, it all went down. And later on, it was my anxiety, cause it’s not only me, but it’s also my family, my country, my nation, my brand, my dignity and all are attached to the first  Military and then Pakistan 🇵🇰. Everything comes afterwards!!!

Well, the two major concerns are as below;
Concern #1. Army Brand Image, Yes now emotions tempered down, but for a certain period of Days, it was Trending across social media and let’s not name it, further, and let’s not find who is who and who did who. All are players in the pond, and no one is. However, this is concern#1. Is much addressed, Masha ALLAH.
Appreciations to all of us, we made an effort, here.

Concern#2. One Liner is PATIENCE, Pakistan’s backbone is naive for any misadventures. The Arab spring regime change in the recent past has an extreme resemblance to what we are currently heading towards, the bloodshed, civil riots, human crisis, Syrian, Yemen and Sudan Darfur type environments. Severe, economic inflations, political instability, military morale, ex FATA tribal LEAs casualties from Afghanistan 🇦🇫 side, Balochistan nationalist uprising leading to LEAs fatalities, Kashmir under 370/31 gone, India 🇮🇳 eyeing our GB, very unfortunate to hear CPEC 🇨🇳downtrend, Global Diplomatic jerks, I can’t stop seeing it and I can’t keep my ears & mouth shut. That’s my problem.

And, I did offer suggestions at each respectable platform and let me repeat again, a 6 Months Overhauling, Inward Stock Taking, Releasing Pressure, Let, the Looters in dummy elected Power get exposed, you have a mandate, work over it, political sustenance is needed, and what max can they (looters) change or survive or steal, being so fragile and naive let them die down own death, why waste energy and take blood on own hands, in less than One Year, Pakistan shall have constitutional elections by all means. Why hurry and why rock the boat and why shoot your own feet. Right!

I love and respect all the readers who may like/dislike with above concerns but our network, friendship, brotherhood, and acquaintance, is much above any of the political concern, so let’s please stay tuned.

Love for all.
Stay well and blessed and remember in prayers.