’What’s Special in President Xi Jinping?’’

Written by: Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram Executive Director PRCCSF Islamabad.
China is on the road to modernization under President Xi Jinping due to his prudent policies and robust projects. His successful conduct of statecraft has made him the most popular leader in the world. Following the core legacy of the CPC, President Xi has adopted the right policies both domestically and internationally for common development. Due to H.E. Xi’s evolving strategy, China has been playing an exceptional role in the world this was made possible also due to the major transformation that he has made in the discourse of history and international relations, i.e., the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) and building a community with a shared future. President Xi has the view that China will never seek to “dominate” the world. But, it will respect the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. Moreover, President Xi never opted for a “China first” policy. He stated that “no country alone can address the many challenges facing mankind. No country can afford to retreat into isolation”. In the 21st Century, there are many emerging Non-traditional Security Challenges that require a common approach to tackle, i.e., Climate change, environmental issues, cyber security threats etc. Thereby, it is significant to adopt the governance model of China to counter common menaces.

While assessing significant attributes of President Xi’s leadership, it is noteworthy how he has eradicated poverty in China and uplifted millions of people towards a good quality lifestyle. The country’s economy continues its healthy growth and has become the major driver of global contribution. Under the dynamic leadership of President Xi, China has succeeded in eradicating absolute poverty while meeting the target set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule and contributing to over 70 percent of global poverty reduction. The innovative achievements in science and technology have brought greater convenience to work and daily life around the world and injected new impetus into international technological innovation and global economic growth.

It was the rationale and optimistic approach that President Xi has helped many countries to cope with the deadliest Covid-19 pandemic. China takes an active part in global cooperation against the Coronavirus and has done its best to offer help to international organizations and other countries. This gesture clearly manifests that the Chinese leadership has gained trust from all around the world. President Xi has shown great empathy for developing nations plagued by poverty and hardship and assists them as far as their capacity permits. Since 1949, China has been a provider of support to other developing countries with no political strings attached. Now, the 20th National Congress of the CPC is going to be held in October 2022. In this regard, it can be anticipated that China will upgrade its foreign aid for international development cooperation, contributing its strength to resolving global development issues and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Moreover, China’s increasing investments around the world have been enhancing its global outreach. These investments and efforts have also increased China’s interest in peace and stability, making it a more predictable international actor. In order to ensure the sustainability of its international investments and influence, President Xi has also provided public goods globally, which will promote international stability. The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is a perfect example of this policy drive. As a global infrastructure development scheme, BRI has now gone beyond this boundary and incorporated many new fields of cooperation. For example, cultural integration, people-to-people contacts, academic cooperation etc. By doing so, China’s efforts in a stable, prosperous and reliable partnership have substantially increased. Given these interests, it is very likely that China will again experience a golden period after the 20th National congress. All the above-mentioned attributes of President Xi depict the right picture for the future of the Chinese governance model.

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