Brief introduction of Secretary General Pakistan Muslim League Prof. Chaudhry Ahsan Iqbal.

Reported by: Mirza Munir Baig Barlas Riyadh – Saudi Arabia.

He is a graduate of the American University and holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has been the Minister of Planning, Minister of Education and Minister of Home Affairs of Pakistan. He lives in a rented house in Islamabad and still teaches as a visiting professor at various universities to run his home expenditures.

Some ill-mannered vile people surrounded him and shouted slogans of thieves. He used the largest development budget in the history of Pakistan during the rule of Mian Nawaz Sharif. He was fully in charge of CPEC and had more than 67 Billion US Dollars to spend on this game-changer project. Chinese ambassador declared him the champion of CPEC. He was also the Minister of Planning from 1997-to 99 and he presented Vision 2010.

Mian Nawaz Sharif’s previous government also Presented Vision 2025 but after Invasion and Impose of Imran Niazi’s Fascist government, they used all agencies and institutions on one patch, but could not even blame him. A single case was filed in NAB against Narowal Sports Complex in which he alleged that it was built near the Indian border.

Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhry is a very virtuous person, a five-time worshiper and a true lover of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his only crime is that he is very loyal to Mian Nawaz Sharif and his Party PML and has never changed his allegiance, never bowed down, and never sold.

He endured the hardships of imprisonment but did not compromise on principles. Such a person is a source of Pride for any Country and Nation. The Pakistan Muslim League and the League families are certainly proud of him.

Personally, I am very impressed with the personalities like Prof. Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhry, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Dr. Muftah Ismail and so on.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala keep such personalities under His protection and grant them a long and healthy life and keep us all free from all kinds of hatred and envy, evil and badness.

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