by Ch. Muhammad Natiq Ubaid
Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations, Pakistan Armed Forces: “On 9th of March 2022, at 1843 Hours (6:43 PM), a high-speed flying object was picked up inside Indian territory, by Air Defence Operations Centre of the Pakistan Air Force.

From its initial course, the object suddenly manoeuvred towards Pakistani territory, and ultimately fell near Mian Channu at 1850 hours (6:50 PM), damaging some civilian property when it fell.

Thankfully, no loss or injury to human life was caused. The Pakistan Air Force continuously monitored the complete flight path of the flying object, from its point of origin, near Sirsa in India, to point of impact in Mian Channu.

The Pakistan Air Force initiated requisite tactical actions in accordance with the SOPs. It is necessary to mention that this rogue object endangered many international and domestic passenger flights both in Indian and Pakistani airspace.”

The DG ISPR further stated that “whatever caused this incident to happen, is for the Indians to explain.”
Director General Public Relations Pakistan Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal Tariq Zia: “During our routine surveillance, yesterday on the 9th of March, at 1843 hours we picked up a high-speed object, close to Sirsa (India), picked up 104 kilometres from the International Border at around 40,000 feet, travelling at Mach 2.5 to ultimately Mach 3.

The initial course of this projectile was on a southwesterly heading, and it appeared to initially go towards the Mahajan field firing ranges which are southwest of suratgarh, however, once it had travelled around 70-80 kilometres on this heading, it took a right track change, While maintaining the same altitude and speeds, and started to head northwest towards Pakistani airspace.

Pakistan Air Force’s air defence systems had a solid and continuous tracking of this projectile, right from its first pickup till it faded out.”