International Women’s Day: History and Significance

by: Fiza Noor
The Socialist Party of America first organized National Women’s Day in New York on February 28, 1909. This was suggested by labour activist Theresa Malkiel and commemorated protests against garment workers in the city. To commemorate the day and stand in solidarity, many people wear the official colour of International Women’s Day—purple.

Purple, green, and white are the colours of IWD, according to the International Women’s Day website. Purple signifies justice and dignity. Green symbolizes hope. White represents purity, albeit a controversial concept. The United Nations also announces themes for International Women’s Day. For 2022, it focuses on women in the context of climate change: “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.”

The celebrations included rallies and events calling for women’s right to vote and an end to gender discrimination. March 8 has been the fixed date for International Women’s Day since 1914, when the day was moved to be in line with Russian women who celebrated the day on February 23 on the Gregorian calendar.International Women's Day: History and Significance 27 countries (mainly former Soviet republics) have adopted International Women’s Day as a national holiday, and it is widely observed in several others.

For most of the countries that observe this holiday, if it falls on a weekend, it will be moved to the following Monday. International Women’s Day (IWD) celebrates the political, social, cultural, and economic achievements of women around the globe.

The day is observed on 8 March every year and aims to raise awareness about gender equality in all spheres of life. Being a woman today means living true to my values, and being empowered as a woman to create change.

We are at a pivotal time, where women have a voice and are being recognized through their own form of creative expression – whether that be business, values, beliefs, art etc.