Pakistan Embassy Niamey started public diplomacy in the month of Ramadan.

Pakistan Embassy Niamey started public diplomacy in the month of Ramadan.
On April 6th 2022, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr Ahmed Ali Sirohey started public diplomacy for the month of Ramadan. His Excellency provided Iftar packages to National Hospital in Niamey.

His Excellency Mr Ahmed Ali Sirohey personally handed the Iftar packets to the médical superintendent of the hospital. The packages include bags of rice, bidons of oil, packs of sugar, packs of dates, bags of potatoes and bags of onions. These packages will help the hospital in facilitating feeling 500 persons daily for the entire month of Ramadan.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr Ahmed Ali Sirohey said that Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) always looked after people in the month of Ramadan more than in the normal months and advised Muslims to be generous in the month of Ramadan.

The Embassy is trying to reach out to deserving people and vulnérable populations in the month of Ramadan.