Pakistan Repatriation Council (PRC) held an online symposium in solidarity with Kashmiris fighting for right of self-determination

Pakistan Repatriation Council (PRC) held an online symposium in solidarity with Kashmiris fighting for right of self-determination.

(Syed Mussarat Khalil): Pakistan Repatriation Council (PRC) held an online symposium in solidarity with Kashmiris fighting for the right to self-determination. It was presided by Chairman Ehteshamuddin Arshad Nezami. Chief Guest was Engr. Iftikhar Choudhry; Guests of Honor were Raja Zareen Khan Leader of the Jammu Kashmir Committee and Ayesha Abu Bakar.

Other guests included Tayyab Mosani General Secretary of International Memon Organization; Amil Usmani Senior Journalist and spokesman of Kashmir Committee; Major Musarrat Abdul Khaliq leader of EPCAF; Engr. Syed Khalid Jawed of EWF; Hamid Islam Khan; Aftab Altaf; Shamsuddin Altaf; Mohammad Amanatullah; Renowned Poets Naseem Sehar; Hesham Syed; Zamurrad Khan Saifi.

It by serious negotiations between India, Pakistan and Kashmiri leadership. We already fought two formal wars with India, so war is not the solution since both countries are members of the nuclear club.

He also urged Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan to fulfil his promise to repatriate and rehabilitate patriotic Pakistanis languishing in Bangladesh for 50 years. He should consider PRC’s proposal of a self-finance scheme without burdening national economy and in fact providing foreign exchange for Pakistan.

Chief Guest Engr. Iftikhar Choudhry sent a recorded message from the hospital where he was admitted to an emergency in the morning. He appreciated PRC for regularly organizing programs on national days. He said that the Kashmir issue must be solved to keep peace in South Asia. He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken this issue very seriously and UNO and OIC were approached to take serious steps to solve the issue. We expect India to understand that it cannot control Kashmiris by armed forces.

Guest of Honor Raja Zareen Khan said that sensible leaders of India understood that it will not be possible to suppress the Kashmiri people. He demanded India lift the curfew in Kashmir and give them all humanitarian rights.

He said that UNO was very fast in arranging plebiscite in Taymur and Dufour since it divided the Muslim countries but the UN failed to take any action to secure rights for Kashmir; Palestine; Rohingiyans. He said that patriotic Pakistanis are living in Bangladeshi camps in very miserable conditions and this is our government’s duty to repatriate them to Pakistan since they are patriotic Pakistanis.

Another guest of honour Ayesha Abubakar thanked PRC for organizing a program in Kashmir and apologized will not be able to speak due to throat problem. Amil Usmani Senior Journalist and spokesman of the Kashmir Committee said that he is working very closely with high government officials and coordinating with OIC as well. Our government is doing its level best to raise the Kashmir issue in UNO; OIC and all international forums. We pray and hope this issue will get world attention and UNO will take sincere steps to arrange a plebiscite in Kashmir.

Amil Usmani also presented poems on Kashmir in a poetic style which all participants praised. Memon leader Tayyab Mosani said that Pakistan has two national issues i.e. Kashmir and stranded Pakistanis which issue of stranded Pakistanis is easy because it only needs the will of our government while the Kashmir issue needs help from UNO; supper power states; and Muslim states to solve it. He said that our government has to take strategic decisions to help Kashmiris in this difficult time.

Community and PRC leader Shamsuddin Altaf said the Kashmir issue cannot be solved by meetings and speeches but our government has to take serious steps on the Kashmir Issue. He urged the government to convince UNO and OIC so to urge India to stop brutal action against 8 million Kashmiris. He also demanded the repatriation of stranded Pakistanis.

Leader of EPCAF retired Major Musarrat Abdul Khaliq said that issue of Kashmir should be continuously raised in UNO; OIC and other world forums to pressurize India to arrange a plebiscite in Kashmir as per Security Council resolution. He urged Prime Minister Imran Khan to solve the ID issue of repatriated Pakistanis living mostly in Orangi Town. He also demanded the repatriation of stranded Pakistanis as a priority.

Deputy convener Hamid Islam Khan said that its PRC agenda that “Pakistan will not be complete without joining of Kashmir and settlement of Stranded Pakistanis. He said that Kashmir should be an integral part of Pakistan.

He said that those quarter-million Pakistanis languishing in Bangladeshi camps were escorting our armed forces in East Pakistan against the Indian Army and Mukti Bahini. It is our national duty to bring stranded Pakistanis and settle them with respect. Engr. Khaled Jawed; Aftab Altaf also urged India to organize a Plebiscite in Kashmir urgently for the sake of peace in the subcontinent.

Convener Ehsanul Haque thanked all speakers; journalists; poets and others for making the Program successful. He said that according to the two-nation theory Kashmir must have been part of Pakistan. In 1947 then Indian Prime Minister Nehru committed to UNO that India will organize a plebiscite in Kashmir soon but even after 74 years India did not organise the plebiscite.

After the cancellation of article 370 now India annexed Kashmir as its territory in violation of UN resolutions and Indian Commitments. India’s 900,000 army would not be able to quell the freedom movement of Kashmiris and organises the plebiscite earliest is better for peace in the sub-continent due to both neighbours having nuclear arms.

He said that it is the need of the hour to unite the Ummah and to take lead in solving issues of Kashmir; Palestine; Syrian; stranded Pakistanis; Burmese Muslims and other issues. He presented the following resolutions which were approved:
The following resolutions were presented by the convener:

1. We condemn Indian Army’s action in occupying Kashmir for over two years. The only solution is to organise a plebiscite in Kashmir according to UN Resolution.
2. We appeal to Prime Minister Imran Khan to create an organization and restart the repatriation of stranded Pakistanis.

To overcome the paucity of funds, suggest implementing the PRC proposal of “settlement of stranded Pakistanis on a self-finance basis“. Bangladesh should also play its role in solving the issue. OIC should include in its agenda the issue of settlement of stranded Pakistanis. Pakistani High Commissioner at Dhaka should approach Bangladeshi rulers to take care of Food, Education; healthcare, life and security of quarter million Pakistanis stranded in Bangladesh camps.

Engr. Syed Mohsin Alavi conducted the symposium and also presented his poems on Kashmir. Renowned Qari Engr. Mohammad Asif recited from the Holy Quran and Naat (glorifying prophet Mohammad(s) was presented by Engr. Mohsin Alavi.

Renowned poets Hesham Syed; Zamurrad Khan Saifi; Mohsin Alavi; Amil Usmani presented poems on Kashmir and Stranded Pakistanis.

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