PTI Government expected to depart after success of no confidence voting.

Reported by: Zaman Sharif

Present Opposition will face questions to prove what units them against PTI especially immediately after Russia visit. There are loud voices of US $ since Economic challenges are not new rather its improving.

  • What convinced PPP to accept Shahbaz Sharif as PM although within PML-N there was no consensus on PM?
  • What convinced PML-N to accept Pervez as CM Punjab?

MQM, as usual, will join whosoever will be in power.
When all opposition united against ZA Bhutto then he rolled few heads and later himself got hanged as well. I wish IK refrain and gracefully accept the results.

I’m worried more about state of Pakistan and its people who will pay price of all this change and election and immediate another elections. Reason these opposition parties will not remain united and are expected go against, very soon, the new Government to be formed after replacing Imran Khan.

That is why Moulana FR said “Khiza (Imran) Jaye Phir Chaman (Pakistan) ma bahar Chahay Naa Aaye”.

May Allah bless Pakistan.

TN Media News