Teacher Tariq Mehmood, Principal Government Higher Secondary School Abdul Ghafoor, CEO Education Sahiwal and Minister of Education were overwhelmed.
I don’t believe in the slogan “Mar Nahi Payar”, my order is followed in school. Whoever dares to interfere in my decisions, Teacher Tariq Mahmood …
Harappa (Daily Noor Nazar Special Investigation Report) According to the details, Teacher Tariq Mahmood of Padha Higher Secondary School crossed all boundaries. The 10 children of the 10th class formed a committee in consultation with each other that we collect the out-of-pocket expenses from the house on a daily basis and put the committee together and give the money of the committee to our parents every month so that Could be of some help.
When Tariq Mahmood, the class in charge, came to know about this children’s committee, he not only used brutal violence against the children and also gave the worst kind of abuse and even threatened to see how your admissions go. How is your exam Who has the guts to put children in the classroom? You don’t know who I am, what is my approach? After all, this, when the father of the victim Mudassar Abbas arrived at the school, Master Tariq Mahmood had 10 children standing outside in the scorching sun. When he talked to the principal Abdul Ghafoor and Tariq Mahmood about this, We do not believe in any government nor do we believe in the CEO. What will the Secretary of Education or the Minister of Education do to us? We want to do whatever we want with the children.
On this occasion, other teachers in an informal conversation revealed that we have been praying for Tariq Mahmood for 4 days but he did not listen to any of us. And it is not the fault of the children either. Here all the teachers have also set up committees in the school. According to our sources, Master Tariq Mehmood is also heavy on the principal and is the uncrowned king of his own whims. I don’t care about anyone.
The parents of the children have expressed grave concern over the situation and demanded action from the Minister of Education, Secretary of Education, CEO of Education against Master Tariq Mahmood and Principal Abdul Ghafoor. Now it remains to be seen what action the high officials will take against this uncrowned king who flouts the law.