Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at the Embassy of Pakistan Niger on 82nd of Pakistan’s National Day.

Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at the Embassy of Pakistan Niger on 82nd of Pakistan’s National Day.

An elegant Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at the Embassy today on 82nd Pakistan’s National Day of Pakistan. The ceremony started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Ambassador Ahmed Ali Sirohey hoisted the National flag with the tune of the national anthem. Messages of the President and the Prime Minister on the auspicious occasion were also read for the audience. Pakistan nationals living in various parts of Niger and some prominent local dignitaries attended it. The Ambassador of Pakistan also highlighted the importance of the day.

On the eve of 23rd March 2022, the Embassy of Pakistan Niamey arranged a reception to celebrate Pakistan Day. H.E Mr Youssouf Elmouctar Mohamed, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Niger was guest of honour. The function was attended by various Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians, senior government officers including Nigerien Foreign Secretary, Diplomats, Civil Society members, businesspersons and the Pakistani community. The event started with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a cake-cutting ceremony with the tune of the national anthem.

The Mission also showed a documentary highlighting achievements and development in the country from 1947 to 2021. Speaking on the auspicious occasion of Pakistan Day, Ambassador Ahmed Ali Sirohey greeted the distinguished guest and Pakistani brothers and sisters living in various parts of Niger.

The Ambassador underscored the salient features of the Pakistan movement. He stated that “let us pay homage to our leaders of the independence movement who struggled with great courage and perseverance to win us a country of our own. Because of their sacrifices, today we are enjoying the fruits of freedom.

It is surely an occasion for immense gratitude. It is the day for renewing our pledge to the country and our leadership to spend our lives as envisioned by our founding fathers”. Ambassador also highlighted that Pakistan is a member of many regional and international organizations plays an important role in the comity of nations and is significantly contributing to the preservation of regional as well as international peace and security.

The government of Pakistan is committed to bringing peace, prosperity and development as envisioned by our forefathers. Ambassador Ahmed Ali Sirohey also highlighted the historical dimensions of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute and lauded the struggle for independence of the Kashmiri people. The continued human rights violations of an innocent at the hand of Indian occupation forces were highlighted. He said that UNSC resolutions clearly mention the right to self-determination through a plebiscite.

In the end, he wished sincere greetings and thanked Nigerien leadership and the brotherly people of Niger and wished them continued progress and prosperity under the wise and able leadership of the Honorable President and various government functionaries of Niger.

TN Media News