Pakistani Embassy Honors Top NGOs in Niger at Prestigious Ceremony

Niamey, Niger – June 15, 2022: The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Niger, under the auspices of H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ali Sirohey, hosted a distinguished ceremony to honor the best NGOs and non-profit welfare organizations working for humanity in the Republic of Niger. The event, held on Wednesday, was graced by the presence of the Nigerien Minister of Tourism & Culture, H.E. Muhammad Hamid, who served as the guest of honor.

In collaboration with local departments, the embassy meticulously scrutinized 30 outstanding local NGOs, inviting them to be recognized for their efficient and active roles in Niger. Among the honored organizations were notable entities such as Muslim Hands Niger.

Ambassador Sirohey warmly welcomed Minister Hamid and all guests to Pakistan House for this prestigious event. The ceremony commenced with the recitation of the Quran, followed by the national anthems of Niger and Pakistan. Minister Hamid, alongside the Pakistani envoy, presided over the decoration of the selected NGOs, each receiving an Award of Excellence in recognition of their exemplary performance and significant contributions.

In his address, Minister Hamid congratulated the representatives of the NGOs, emphasizing that serving humanity is a noble cause deserving of recognition. He highlighted the importance of valuing their hard work and dedication.

“Welfare organizations play a crucial role in the economic development and poverty reduction of Niger,” said Minister Hamid. “As one of the least developed countries, Niger faces numerous challenges. As Muslims, it is imperative to extend assistance to Niger, significantly contributing to the country’s development.”

The ceremony concluded with a collective affirmation from all stakeholders to continue working diligently for the betterment of humanity.


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