Indian Engineers Forum Riyadh Chapter had organized a Networking event in Riyadh and celebrated the Engineers Day.

by: TN Media News Riyadh:
The birth anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, a renowned engineer and statesman of India which falls on September 15th, has been celebrated across the countries of India, Sri Lanka and Tanzania as Engineers Day honoring the remarkable contributions of engineers to the development and progress of society.

Indian Engineers Forum Riyadh Chapter, had organized a Networking event in Riyadh to commemorate this special occasion and to appreciate the engineering fraternity for their relentless pursuit of innovation, creativity, and problem-solving that they bring to various industries.

Eng. Saad Tarin, Vice President – IEF Riyadh chapter welcomed the guests followed by the key note speaker Eng. Syed Nasir Khursheed, highlighting the achievements of Sir Visvesvaraya and how Engineers have played a pivotal role in transforming India into a technologically advanced nation.

The message from Chairman of IEF – Saudi Arabia, Eng. Sayeeduddin was read by Eng. A M Parveez where he congratulated all engineers on the occasion and advised young engineers to sharpen their skills to match the requirements of the future and participate actively in the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
An open quiz program was organized and conducted by Eng. Zohaib, where all the attendees actively participated.

Eng. Farhan Hashmi, outgoing President of IEF Riyadh chapter and General secretary elect addressed the gathering highlighting the achievements and activities during his tenure as President of IEF Riyadh Chapter and felicitated executive committee members for their cooperation and relentless support to IEF and its activities.

He handed over the charge to Eng. Faisal as the president of Riyadh Chapter with best wishes.

In his speech, Eng. Syed Faisal, President-elect IEF Riyadh chapter, thanked members for choosing him for the position and assured the gathering he will take forward the legacy of his predecessors to the next level.

The program was successfully conducted by Eng. Ehsan and all the attendees appreciated.

TN Media News