Wala’a Plus implements its “Wala’a Pioneer” program for employees of Saudi Ministry of Commerce

by: TN Media News Riyadh:
Saudi loyalty and rewards company, Wala’a Plus, has launched its program called “Wala’a Pioneer” for employees of the Saudi Ministry of Commerce. The program aims to enhance employee happiness and mental well-being. Wala’a Plus has developed the “Wala’a Pioneer” index to measure the implementation of happiness and well-being practices at both the organizational and individual levels.

This index provides valuable data and information to aid decision-makers in developing practical initiatives for improving happiness and mental well-being in the workplace. It also positions organizations for recognition among the best working environments in the Middle East and Africa.

The collaboration between Wala’a Plus and the Saudi Ministry of Commerce comes after the successful pilot phase of implementing Wala’a Plus programs for Saudi employees in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. The “Wala’a Pioneer” model evaluates five dimensions of employee happiness and well-being: job satisfaction, mental health, physical health, financial awareness, and social and emotional relationships.

Through their partnership with Wala’a Plus, the Ministry of Commerce is expanding their focus on employee happiness and mental well-being, leading to greater success for the ministry. The ministry was awarded the Arab Government Excellence Award in 2020 for being the best Arab ministry, surpassing over 5,000 other Arab government entities, due to its institutional excellence, innovation, and performance governance aligned with international standards and strategic goals.

Ryan Saleh, Founder and CEO of Wala’a Plus, expressed confidence in their programs’ ability to cater to the diverse work situations and social backgrounds of Saudi Ministry of Commerce employees while promoting happiness and mental well-being in the workplace. The “Wala’a Pioneer” methodology begins with employee surveys to assess their happiness and mental well-being. Organizational practices are then evaluated, followed by the provision of detailed reports with practical initiatives to improve and develop happiness and mental well-being within the organization.

The program concludes with recognition and awards for organizations that meet the award criteria. The World Economic Forum’s recommendations in 2021 emphasized the importance of organizations addressing happiness and mental well-being skills as critical factors impacting organizational performance.

Ryan Saleh highlighted the significant benefits of prioritizing happiness and well-being, including reduced medical insurance costs, increased employee productivity, lower sick leave rates, enhanced talent attraction and retention, strengthened brand reputation, and the promotion of healthy behaviors among employees. Wala’a Plus is committed to providing professional programs tailored to organizations’ needs to achieve workplace happiness and mental well-being.

As a testament to their success, Wala’a Plus previously implemented the “DOAM” loyalty program during a pilot phase with 20,000 employees of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. This success has led to the Saudi Ministry of Commerce trusting in Wala’a Plus and its professional loyalty and rewards programs, resulting in the nationwide implementation of the “Wala’a Pioneer” program across all government employees in 24 Saudi ministries, benefiting over 1.5 million individuals.


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