Written by: Abdul Hadi Ahmed: In 1989, Russia retreated from Afghanistan after being defeated, in the same year, the jihad of Kashmir officially began. The contacts between Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Occupied Kashmir and Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kashmir played an important role in starting Kashmir Jihad. To break this stalemate, Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kashmir leader Maulana Abdul Bari made a detailed visit to Occupied Kashmir.
It was he who arranged the meeting of the Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami in occupied Kashmir, Maulana Saaduddin, with the Military President of Pakistan, General Zia-ul-Haq. This meeting between three persons continued for several days, in these meetings the plan to start the freedom movement in Occupied Kashmir was decided. With the accidental death of General Zia in 1988, there was a fear that the project would be destroyed. Instead of the government agencies, the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami on both sides of the Line of Control had to come forward to save the project. Although
The success of Afghan Jihad created a longing for freedom among the youth of Occupied Kashmir. When they saw that as a result of the Afghan Jihad, a superpower like Russia suffered from retreat, the Berlin Wall fell, Europe and Central Asia were freed from the grip of communism, and the Muslim states of Central Asia were again prominent on the world map. Inside, too, the desire to liberate Kashmir continued to intensify.
In Occupied Kashmir in 1987, the assembly elections were fought on the slogan of independence. The freedom fighters were winning by a huge margin, but India turned their defeat into a victory with open rigging. On this, the anger of the young generation of Kashmir became uncontrollable. Small groups of youths from Occupied Kashmir were already ready for jihadi training. The youths who were elected, crossed the snowfields on the Line of Control and reached Azad Kashmir. All of them wanted to get military training. The lamp was lit by the lamp and the whole nation was filled with the spirit of freedom
The plan was that the Kashmiri youth would reach Azad Kashmir from the occupied region to receive jihadi training and then to the training centers. General Zia’s untimely death changed this program. At this stage, the Amir of the Jamaat in Azad Kashmir, Mr. Abdul Rashid Turabi and the enthusiastic youth of his team stepped forward. These people took care of the Mujahideen who came down from the mountains to the best of their ability.
However, the Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, Mr. Qazi Hussain Ahmad, arranged to give them military training. Hizb-e-Islami chief Hekmatyar and Jamiat-e-Islami leader Professor Rabbani controlled the jihadist training centers located near the Pak-Afghan border. Both of them were bitterly opposed to each other, but they both agreed on all possible cooperation for the cause of Kashmir’s freedom. After the appeal of Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Qazi Hussain Ahmed, he happily supported the training of Kashmiri youth.
In this way, the Kashmiri youth began to reach Muzaffarabad from Srinagar and from there to Afghanistan. But gradually this work became more and more difficult, first 20-25 youths came in the seed, however, when these Kashmiri youths went back after receiving training, the message of Jihad revolution in Afghanistan became common with them.
The sparks buried in the extinguished ashes of freedom suddenly flared up, the whole valley started echoing with Jihadi hymns. Boards of Muzaffarabad were displayed on the buses of Srinagar, Kashmiri youth started reaching the base camp by passing through the snowy valleys of Kupwara and beyond on these buses. After that, Kashmiri Mujahideen thronged the training centers located in the foothills of Koh Sefid.
After January 1990, two to three hundred people started coming every day. Thus, the difficult paths of the base camp and the training centers were crowded with youth. This resulted in a new problem. It was difficult to manage to feed and provide bed for so many people. This work could have been done by the government, but the Benazir government was completely unaware of the entire situation, rather indifferent.
In December and January-February, most of the young men who passed through the 17,000-foot high snow-capped mountains would cross the demarcation line bare-headed in a pair of trunks or wearing a phairan (Kashmiri robe). In extreme cold, some were victims of frost biting, fingers and toes were cut off, they had to be taken to hospitals, treatment arrangements were inadequate. At this stage, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, the leader of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, came in handy.
In a detailed interview, Qazi Sahib told me that when we saw that the Kashmiri Mujahideen who are fighting for the completion of Pakistan are helpless and their number is increasing day by day and the current government is indifferent to this situation, then we Decided that the people of Pakistan should be made aware of this freedom movement. Qazi Sahib and his Jamaat did not lack experience.
Jamaat-e-Islami had played an important role in defeating a world power like Russia by participating in the Afghan Jihad. Qazi Sahib persuaded the leadership and workers of the Jamaat to devote their full resources to the Kashmir freedom movement. Kashmir conferences were held in all corners of Pakistan.
On the order of Qazi Sahib, the workers of Jamaat-e-Islami took the message of jihad from village to village. Within a few days, Qazi Sahib brought the entire nation to the back of Kashmir’s freedom movement. I asked Qazi Hussain Ahmad Sahib during the interview for “Jihad Kashmir” that how it happened that you made the day of February 5 a day of solidarity with the people of Kashmir? What was the purpose and purpose of celebrating this day and especially how the date of February 5 became a one-sided day and why the lottery was held in your name? This work should have been done by the rulers of Pakistan. In response to this question, Qazi said:
“I saw thousands of Kashmiri Mujahideen coming down from the snowy mountains of Occupied Kashmir to the holy land, they were in hundreds of routes and thousands had camped in the border areas of Afghanistan. There was no one to help them except Jamaat-e-Islami. In a press conference on January 5, 1990, I told the Pakistani media that such a large public movement is going on in Occupied Kashmir, Kashmiri youth are reaching the independent region with their heads raised on their palms, and the People’s Party government is calling this movement Pakistani. It is hidden from the public. The government did not even give the people a hint of this freedom movement. It is the duty of the Pakistani media to involve the people of Pakistan in this work.”
On this, media people also informed the people of Pakistan about the importance of Kashmir. The public was told that the people of Kashmir are not only fighting for the freedom of Kashmir, but they are also fighting for the survival of Pakistan, because the freedom of Kashmir is the freedom of the aorta of Pakistan. God willing, India’s occupation of Kashmir has been stabilized, Tobharat will try its best to make our country barren and desert by occupying the waters of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam rightly called Jammu and Kashmir the aorta of Pakistan.
Since Kashmir is a historical, geographical and religious part of Pakistan, Pakistan cannot be complete without Kashmir. Kashmir is also an economic and social artery for Pakistan, so it is the sacred duty of all the people of Pakistan to help these young people who are ready for Jihad. It was felt that independence movement started in the state It has been done, the iron is hot at this time, the movement needs our support and support. Qazi Sahib also announced in the same press conference on 5th January that a strike should be held exactly one month later (on 5th February) to show solidarity with Kashmiris. So that the Kashmiris have the confidence that the entire Pakistani nation of Pakistan is on their back.
In 1990, the People’s Party was in power at the center and Nawaz Sharif was the Chief Minister of the Islamic Democratic Union in the Punjab province. was announced. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto also supported Qazi Sahib’s call. On that day, a national holiday was announced throughout Pakistan. From January 5 to February 5, 1990. In a period of one month, such an atmosphere was created through conferences, meetings and demonstrations that a historic strike took place on February 5, 1990. Government of Pakistan, opposition, political parties and people celebrated One-dimensional Kashmir Day together.
A high-level parliamentary delegation led by Qazi Hussain Ahmed visited Muslim countries to highlight the message of the Kashmir Freedom Movement to the level of the Islamic world. They were also informed about the nature and importance of the Kashmir issue and the ambitions of India against Islam and the Islamic world. Therefore, since then this day is not only celebrated in the whole country with official arrangements, but in most countries of the world it is also celebrated as the One-dimensional Kashmir Day by the Islamic movements there.
In early May 1990, a world Islamic conference was held in Muzaffarabad under the chairmanship of Qazi Hussain Ahmed, in which the leaders and representatives of all the world Islamic movements participated. This tradition has been established for the past thirty-two years. Every year on the occasion of Unity Kashmir Day, gatherings and seminars are held and rallies are held in every corner of Azad Kashmir and Pakistan to express solidarity with the freedom movement of Kashmir. Chains of human hands are made in different cities. Although the government-level programs are mostly lifeless and formal in nature, the enthusiasm of the people has not decreased, especially Jamaat-e-Islami is still seen in the front line on February 5th.